Timelessに来たよ。here i come ”Timeless”
美味しい珈琲入れてくれた<3 she made coffee<3
3人でファーマーズマーケットへ。we are hittin' farmer's market.
テル男はヘルシーメシ購入。mr teru makin' the line for get healthy meal.
ワタシは中東ご飯を。i got the foods of middle east.
テルを探せ。tryna find mr teru.
チャンピオンのフード欲しい。i want a hoody which the champion one.
Timelessを後にして。after i left Timeless.
ZARA harajuku.
すき。nice hair do.
買おうか悩んだ厚底スリッポン。チープすぎてやめたの。i was supposed to buy the slip-on but look cheap didn't get it.
ムーンとムーン。moon and moon.
i've should wear the creeper of a store robot hum.
i got chinoiserie style umbrella stand for potpourri. imma get santamarianovella's potpourri YAY.
キョウ帰り道に仲井戸麗一のティーンエイジャーが流れた。すきなうた。レコード探したけどコレは入ってなかった. . . . . . .
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