さぁ行くよーーーーーー let's get ready=3
念願の。ご近所の牡蠣焼き屋に来た。i really wanted to eat oyster!here we come the spot near my house then.
牡蠣7個¥1000。安い。でも小さい。ははは。dem oysters are cheap but small hum.
何かが。何かが。違う。だから牡蠣7個とエリンギ喰ってさっさと出るよ。we feel something strange. let's out after we ate 7 oysters and mushroom.
真逆の梯子晩メシ。odayuuuuumn we came another foods spot. eat too much huh?!
今週も来ちゃったネ。here we come also this week too. woowee <3
情熱の真っ赤な。passionately Red.
my nephew draw the blowfish that called ” mr fugu kusano ”
awwww how cute he is.
やっぱり色色話す。 一緒にいる。 そういうの楽しい。
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