帰り道。Tallahassee 聴きたくなった。この曲を流して走るとroadrageな気分になる。そしてあの日。書いたこと想い出して読み返してみた。on the way back home. playin' the song ” Tallahassee ”. the song make feel like road rage. it's remind back in the day about the day what i wrote ” bin ladin shit ”. tryna read it then.
he was suppoed to get above the bigass system from omega campany for his babies plant
like i said " hellnawww where ru gona put it on shiiiiit "
" check this out check this out kyo-chan its so cheap bout 2000 bucks "
he doesnt even understand what my point and dont upset me!
in this morning, playing sum three six mafia's song " bin laden " in my whip
its remind sum old story...................
sumtime sum japanese peeps told us bout hydro is bad bad but its not right
if the stuff is real good then we(niccaz) called " 'dro "
cuz my exbf builded sum hydroponic system in the house that real sum shitttttttt good mayne!
u know y hydro is juss how to grow the way its suikohsaibai
if u use sum chemical nutrients then helllyea it'd be bad stuff for ya health
but we got a organic nutrients of fish or sum natural stuff such as vitamin
ow man its so damn stink! yuk
cuz those r spoil yucky and its automatically flowing vitamin water by hydroponic system become growing faster!
i dont really remember how long takes time for harvest think 2 month for over 3kg by his systen?? and woowee that stuff knock us out! beautiful crystal on! sum our crew know it huh
anywayz the system is heck tight to make paper paper
but boys doesnt matter for make money!
the stuff is quickly to gone me, impatiant like that! humm stupid!
but but the day, cops r coming wiz search warrant after i left his house then send him up to the place and got kicked out to states um?
what we were growing? its tomatos! heckyea! what ru talking bout?
見つからなかった. . . . . . . . . .
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