decorated the christmas tree. imma get new ornament at the spot tomorrow.
柄と柄と柄。pattern on pattern on pattern.
KyoKoKuwwabara stuff.
ラッセルホブスの珈琲メーカー届いた。ワタシ珈琲はキライの部類だったのに。今ではこんなもんまで買っている始末。珈琲アディクトだわ。recieved the coffe maker by russell hobbs. was don't like coffee cuz too bitter to me but nowadays look!i got alala stuff tho. coffee maker, espresso machine etcetc tottally i changed hahah.
stardustを流しながら。ごはん。having dinner as playing the record ” stardust ”
待つ。アイツを待つ。we wait. we wait for the man.
野菜を切ってくれたり。薬味を入れてくれたり。取り分けてくれたり。有り難き幸せデス。he always help me up and deserved the emal for me. i'm so happy and thanks a lot.
参鶏湯。サム、ゲタン。嫌い。キライ。チキンを食すのに飽きてしまった。フフフ。chicken ginseng soup. that taste not my type nah taste is good but make me tired to eat alala chicken hum. too much chicken shit.
すっぱムーチョと彼奴のソックスのお色が同じってなことを伝えたいらしい。guess what he want to show that same the snack package collor as his socks .
ジャケが可愛いプリンス。prince's cover is look so lovely.
寝る前に聴いたアルバム。1曲だけ好きなの。 i like only a song ” not anymore ” playing the album of dead boys before i go to bed.
have a good one
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