仕事前に撮ってもらったよ。he took pic of this one before he leave to work.
何年も前に買ったモノ。ずっと着ていなかった。可愛すぎるから?!i got the dress like 5yars ago?!i don't even remember. anyway, haven't been wearing cuz too much lovely?!
voomのドレス。その当時はモデルやらなんやらがみんな着ていたの。それに乗っかり購入〜。voom's dress. that time was alotta model, actress etc is wearing the dress then i bought it. HA.
彼奴と別れてからばあちゃん宅へ。とっても美味しいシフォンのバースデーケーキを頂きましのよ。i went to granma's house after he left. they got chiffon birthday cake for me. it's very yummy.
お庭を散策。walked maa's yard. でも昔の家のほうが好きだったな。but better than old house. yea.
昔のばあちゃん宅。こちらは風情があって素敵だったの。高尾山の近くで高速のインターできるとあって取り壊されたわ。この下にユーミンの別宅があったのよ。thiss the granma's old house. this house is good athomosphere more than new house yea? it was good place N house but the old house was completely demolished by build up new interchange of expressway near the mt takao . well, japanese big famous musician ”yumming” 2nd house is near there.
送り火をした。we did ceremonial bonfire.
おじちゃんに頂いた本。uncle gave me this book.
この間のザリガニパーティー。the othrerday we had crayfish party anyway.
友達に頂いた誕生日プレゼントのクッション。my girr gave me this cushion for my BD.
somehow i want to listen metallica's one by cellist but couldn't find my CD hum. . . . . . . .
あああああああラーメン食いてぇ。aaaaaah wanna eat noodle.
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