わーーーーーーい!夏が来たーーーーーーー!yeeeeeaaaaaaah summer has come!
一年ぶりに来たね。また来たね。it's been a year since here we came. i'm glad to come here wiz u again.
待つ。we r waiting.
兎に角待つ。anywayz we had to wait.
ケツを見ながら待つ。still waiting as i'm looking his butt so hard.
まだ待つ。still waiting.
彼奴の後頭部を見て待つ。we have to wait as i'm looking his back of head.
まだ。まだ。much more.
目の前には綺麗な緑が。the green is in front of the our eyes.
私のドレスの柄。漸く。my dress pattern is skulls. finally we get in to. . . . . . .
白子丼。美味かった!whitebait rice bawl? i don't know how can i call it.
一色ビーチへ。on the way to isshiki beach.
逗子。zushi city.
もうすぐ。almost there.
想い出の小道。the lane, the place full of memories.
なんだか懐かしい感じがするんだ。i feel like longing for this place.
一色海岸。isshiki beach.
曇り。cloudy heart.
雨が. . . . . . . . it's going rain. . . . . . . .
森戸海岸へ移動だぜ。about to leave.
なんか食いたい。i wanna eat some some some.
ジャークチキンと豆ライス。jerk chicken N bean rice.
わーわーわー。すげぇー。damn damn damn damn.
嬉しすぎて抱く。ホホホ。big hug anywayz cuz i'm glad to . . . . . . .
10年ぶりに彼女に逢った。偶然逢った。彼女の彼とは私と彼の友達と繋がっているみたい。そんなのが楽しいよね。it's been a long time to see my girr. by coincidence. well, her bf and me, my boy has alotta mutual friends. it's so fun. thiss the life. だね。
i had fun. had so much fun. we met alala friends by coincidence huh. hopefully he bring me to the beach one day again.
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