coco壱祭。curry party.
i am a master of coco1curry. so i ordered spinach N cheese curry, hot level 3curry.
彼奴は淋しい鶉のタマゴとチーズと1辛カレー。とにかく淋しい. . . . . . . . . hahahah
he ordered quail egg N cheese, hot level1curry. damn poor curry. heheheh
my nephew n sis came down to my house n we went to game spot. we play the mario cart. yay.
today's dinner korean bbq. the restaurant is such a popularity spot. look alala baseballer's signature!
タン塩。salty tangue beef. phewwww.
カルビカルビカルビ。マルチョウマルチョウマルチョウ。beef ribs N guts.
遊戯王カード。alala cards.