
november rain

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おはよう日曜日。good morning sunday.
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ピーナッツパンと彼奴の好きな無花果を詰めて。put peanuts bread and his favorite fruit fig in the bento box.
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御嶽山に来た。二人とも小学生ぶり。it's been a long time here we came mountain.
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ケーブルカーに乗って。ride on cable railway.
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それからリフトにも乗るの。amd also ride lift.
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二人乗りだと思ったのにぃ〜。i tought double on lift.
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秋空が綺麗で。とても気持ちよい。beautiful autumn sky and we feel so good.
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全てが澄んでいる。all things are clearly and beautiful that made us relax.
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true norwegian black metalのよう。looks like true norergian black metal.
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水飴を食べたり。丸蒟蒻を食べたり。楽しいな。we ate some that having fun.
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石段には鬼を封じ込めるという。粋。the devil to confine the stone. that is japanese rule.
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おちゃまの足は面白い。うふ。写真の画角がダメらしい。ははは。my buddy's leg is like funny but like he said your picture angle is not good hahah.
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うん。なんですって。知らなかった。he explain about two lions has some rule.
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彼奴はこんな可愛い箸置きを作りマス。he made chop stand for me.
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入り口のそばでお父さんが蕎麦を打っていた。つゆは胡桃。それと彼奴は酒。粋。すっごく美味しかった。get in the soba restaurant who chef makes buckwheat vermicelli by the door that made us want to eat his soba. we ordered walnut sauce and his sake. absolutely delicious. we love it.
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ニット帽被れば山ガールだと思っているワタシ。ははは。i tought if i put beannie cap on then 'd be typical mountain climb girl style.
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二人で行くことができて良かった。it's good tho we could come down to the mountain. photo IMG_0983_zpscdxwljjt.jpg
御嶽神社の御守りはカッコいい。彼奴とお揃い。we shared the lucky charm of the shrine of mitake. look so cool huh.
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夜ご飯は近所の。彼奴は葱と玉葱の拉麺。here we came noodle restaurant near my house. he ordered green onion and onion noodle.
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ワタシはいつもの。mine is same as always.
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楽しい日曜日。good sunday.


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