雨の水曜日。東京の西にある温泉へ。about rainy wednesday was. buddy and i went to hot springs at westside in tokyo.
別々に入るの寂しいけどなぁ。平日だから空いていた。そして此処は刺青が入っていても大丈夫なところ。男のひとのほうには粋でかっけぇ刺青入った爺さんがいたそう。it was few peeps in the bathroom cuz rainy and week day that we had good times and had relax. so that spot accept peeps who has tattoo and some old men was in who has awesome tattoo on him that buddy told me. hum i wanted to get in the bath with my buddy but can't help it.
”夏への扉” というなまえのカレーやさん。here we came curry restaurant that called to the door head to summer.
彼奴の小学校時代の先生の兄カレーやさんだと判明。すごいぜっ。he find out the restaurant owner is his 3rd grade teacher's brother.
窓下に走る。郷愁浸る。running the train on below the window and we feel nostalgic by atmosphere.
カレーやの中でカレーやを探す。he check other curry restaurant in the curry restaurant.
ヘルシーな野菜カレーと玄米。healthy brown rice and vegetable curry.
アンティークな皿も素敵。柘榴。beautiful antique dish ”pomegranate”
23年前のラルフローレンのガーゼBDシャツ。old gauze BD shirt that i got like 23 years ago.
フェラガモに酔いしれた。ははは。チャンピオンとETHOSのTシャツをプレゼントしてもらったよ❤︎ ありがとう。シマシマはお揃いで着ましょう。i was like intoxicated by ferragamo paper bag. hahah. thank you!let we dress same border T shirt!
蚊取線香で夏。良ひ薫り。good smell of incense coil remind summer time.
カレーやのジンジャークッキーと燻したカシューナッツ。ginger cookie and smoke nuts.
温泉帰りにレコードやへ。彼奴が見つけてくれた!やったーーーーーーぁぁああああああ!ありがとう!he digged howkwind 7 inch after we left hot springs. awwwwwww shit i'm so happy to i got it!thanks boo!loveyouuuuuuuuuuuuuu!
彼奴は二枚目のこれを購入。いいねぇ〜。ディスクユニオン欲しいレコードたくさんあったの。he got the 7 inch even he already got 1st one. coo coo. aaaaaaaaah i want alotta record in the store.
夜は近所の八王子ラーメン。また来ちゃった。へへへ。about night meal is hachioji city style noodle.
6月最後の日。誕生日だっつーのに長い会議があったぜっ。そんな中友達がパッションフルーツを車のドアに引っ掛けていてくれた。ありがと。end of june its my bd even tho we had long fuck meeting in tha situation my home girl brought me some present ”passion fruits” how nice!
キョウ。思い立ってキノウ見たレコードを買いにゆく。suddenly i tought i should buy the record of U2 one then running to the store.
この写真もすきなの。i do love also the cover photo.
1991年。NYでこのビデオがずっと流れていた。ずっと好きだった曲で。ホテルや出逢ったおばあちゃまのお宅で何度も観ていた。ちょうどnirvanaのsmellsも流れ始めたころ。on 1991 keep playing U2 one video over and over in the MTV and old lady's house that i met her by chance in east hampton town. that time was just start playing also nirvana ”smells like teen sprit” bring back memories.
i do love above original version. good night.
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