
a day in the life

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Timelessへ。輝さんとめぐちゃん。head to hair salon timeless. hair make artist mr teru and ms megu.
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モードなU前髪からこんなアーチスタイルに変えてもらおうかと。tryna be above bangs style.
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テルさんめっちゃ短くするしっ!damn mr teru did hella short bangs.
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ギャルソンのプリーツスカート履いたよ。季節感ないなぁ〜と思いつつ。制服みたいですき。dressed comme des garcon skirt and i know that style doesn't much on summer. looks like uniform that i do love school uniform style.
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キョウはシドヴィシャスのレザーカフ。sid visious leather cuff today.
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ずっと前にヤロちゃんから頂いたトートにdeathboxのパッチ。sam hitzのアノポスター欲しいなぁ。最近知ったcabasというブランドのトートが欲しい!モードなスタイルにきっと合うんだなぁ。ms yaro gave me the tote bag long time ago and i put the patch of death box. hum i want sam hit poster from death box one. well, i want cabas tote bag that good much on my style.
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帰り道。オルターイーゴーに寄ったの。dropped to alter e go store.
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この日の朝テレビでアイドルが被っていたジャイアンツロゴのキャップ。ワタシも見た。ふふふ。コレは90年代のオリジナルだそうよ。the other day some idol put the CF cap in TV. actually i saw it hahah. alotta peeps mailing to store about that cap. above cap is go old one.
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テルさんは有無を言わせず。大胆にカットする男。似合っているからやる!と言いつつ。ニヤッと笑ってたぞっ!むむむ。hair make artist mr teru always boldness cut my hair as nothing to say. u know why he knows what style good much on me then. even tho he laugh at my bangs huh?
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あの日の帰り道は。on my way to home as listen ACDC.
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ACDC聴きながら。野次馬根性。tryna check crash airplane as listen ACDC.
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行きの道すがら頭上を通り過ぎた小型飛行機。そのあと直ぐに墜落したみたい。飛行機の持ち主は友達のお父さんでびっくり. . . . . . head to aoyama city and the lil air plane over my head after that plane crashed on some houses. omg and they said plane owner is my friend dad in the TV news. 
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マーチンのタッセルを合わせて。with dr martens tassel by england made.
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デッカいタオル。カリスマ輝さん&めぐちゃまより誕生日プレゼントもらったぁ!!!!!mr teru and ms megu gave me bd present of huge towel!
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ちょっと前にペンドルトンのタオル欲しいなぁ〜って思ってたの。マジ思ってたの。ありがとう🎂 the other day i was checking pendleton towel for real that why i'm so happy. thanks guys!
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偖はて。 ETHOSのベスボールシャツに着替えて。おかあちゃんと鰻食べにゆく。btw, dressed ethos baseball shirts and mom and i go to eel restaurant. photo IMG_9227_zpsjcyiuiih.jpg
色色ありまして。母を元気付けるためにも美味しいモノを食べよう!ってことで。some happened on my mother then i brought her eel restaurant for my mom head up. photo IMG_9226_zpswtvpvp62.jpg
ぁぁあああ鰻は売り切れで入れず。焼肉食べるよ。we ate korean bbq cuz eel is sold out at the restaurant.
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水曜日。葬儀のあとに鰻食べて。about wednesday was we ate eel after finished funeral.
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dave mannのページ。ワタシが一番すきなヤツがアップされた。dave mann page posted up that my favorite art ”super girl”
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カレーが食べたくなったのだっ。somehow something make me want to eat curry. photo IMG_9233_zpso26duovn.jpg
7月のカレー”グレープフルーツとレモン”をのっけ盛り。july's curry” grapefruit and lemon”.
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ここのカレーは7つの薬味がある。塩辛が一番すき!美味しかった!よん!7spices on the curry. my favorite is salted fish guts.
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いつぞやは彼奴と串やへ。the other day my buddy and i went to fried bar.
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肉巻きトマトって美味しいよね〜。hella delicious tomato and meat.
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寂しい鶉の卵も食べた。we ate lightly taste quail eggs fried.
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施設のみんなを連れて花火鑑賞。夏の日。our nursing home went to watch fireworks. boys of summer.

夜勤行ってきます。time to go to night duty.

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