MAYBACH。無駄にドアが長くてすき。世に反して地球環境問題なんて関係ねぇ面が良し。drive slow MAYBACH front of my shit car. the door too long in vain. the car seems like ” does't care about global environmental problem ” that i like.
ガス塗れの柊。the holly in the gasoline stains.
timeless行く前に。i dropped the spot before get to hairsalon timeless.
念願のココ。大温室。 finally here i came ” huge glasshouse ”
行け。go get in.
begonia masoniana
dioon spinulosm
居心地いい。was comfy.
秋色。冬色。autumn and winter.
ゴルゴンゾーラとさつまいも。gorgonzola cheese and sweet potato.
原宿交差点。harajuku crossroad.
timeless ミスター朝日。” hairsalon timeless ” mr asahi.
おメグとオレ。ms megu and i.
カリスマミスター朝日はおメグのアバター作成中。charismatic hair make artist ” mr teru ” making his wify's avatar on the iphone.
PIERRE HERME のピスタチオケーキ戴いちゃった。鬼美味ラブ。my girr served pistachio cake of pierre herme. absolutely delicious <3<3<3
ミスター朝日から。i got a hair wax from mr asahi.
jason jesseeとオレ。jason jassee and i.
私が選出した3枚。my choose the 3 posters.
刹那の煌。glitters for a moment.
mean face. nah, actually i was shout and shout or head banging and head banging.
tryna being ” axel rose ” in my car.
あの日。アクセルローズな私。the day, i was like axel rose huh.
悪魔に取憑かれた。evil haunting me.
グッドナイトメア - good nightmare -
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