土曜の夕方から35年来の友達と飲会。弟の日本酒の店にて。yesterday i went to see my old old friends for 35 yrs at my brother's japanese style bar.
夜中からはリリースパーティーに来た。hitting the club for release party at midnight.
着いたらすぐにおカバdeejaying。we got to the club and then kaba was deejaying.
お誘いいただき ”サンキューセックス” by boowdy。thanks for bring me to the club.
blow up balloon.
checkin' on somebody.
ムムム。おカバの jordan3。aw kaba got jordan3. huh.
”monkey timers” bal のおタケと相棒。今夜は二人がリリースした ”monk” のパーティーなの。”monkey timers” take from bal and his dude. tonight is ”monk” by monkey timers release party.
おかあさん。ことphengerinのコバヤシくん。maa aka mr kobayashi from phengerin.
off the wall.
monkのミュージックビデオが流れて。playing music video ”monk”
ETHOS ケイ、ムラジュン村上淳、dudes、ETHOS イケダ。ミュージックビデオに出演しているひと達。
ETHOS kei, jun murakami, dude, dude, ETHOS ikeda. they are appearance in the music video.
来たーーーーーーーー!テリーリチャードソンjr。here he comes!terry richardson jr!
kyoko as terry richardson jr.
kei as terry richardson jr.
sky ferreira as me. そういうこと。sky ferreira as me. above the pictures like this.
CUTRATE OLIVER と M。oliver and m.
エアロスミスのlove in an elevatorビデオを憶いだすぜ。she reminds the video ”love in an elevator by aerosmith”
female dj.
mean face ikeda.
”カンフーレディー” ぶっ込みます。と言っています。like he said ”imma play the song at first”
getting ready.
ms dj and kei.
kung fu lady.
カンフーレディーに合わせてカンフーのポーズ。イケダくん。he tryna to kung fu pose to kung fu song. mr ikeda.
bal の エダくんとおカバ。mr eda and kaba from bal.
おタケ。mr take.
team ETHOS.
Smokin' Aces.
次はイケダくん。next mr ikeda deejaying.
bird takin' his picture.
ripped off.
おカバとワタシ。kaba and i.
ETHOS ケイくんとTILT EZ さん。mr kei from ethos and mr ez from tilt.
escape from tilt some some some some.
見っけ。テヘ。got you. hahah.
覘く。EZサン。steal a peek. mr EZ.
down stairs. monkey timers.
ハヤト。mr hayato.
彼のアートワーク。his art work.
助けてテリー。help me out terry jr =3
美味。absolutely delicious.
monkey timers.
楽しかったわ。いつもありがとう。had alotta fun with y'all. thanks as always.
帰り道。二人綺麗な流れ星を見たね。on the way to home. me and him saw beautiful shooting star.
monk music video : http://monkeytimers.blogspot.jp/2013/11/monkey-timers-monk-music-video.html
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