弟的弟たちと私。my lil brothers and i.
福生ルール。彼はいつもパワードリンクを持って来てくれる。local rule. my brah bring some power drink for us. thanks as always.
鬼美味なミートパイ。 heck delicious meat pie.
growing pains.
遅ればせながら。バースデーパーティー。open brah's birthday party. sorry belated.
悩みに悩んで。ベラフォンテのレザーグローブ。finally we decided Belafonte leather glove for him. seriously dai and i has been thinking what should we get his birthday gift.
mr D dedicated the record of ashanti with her message.
たとえ彼のバースデーパーティーでも取り分けてくれる素敵なヤツ。he desevrved the birthday cake for us even today is his birthday party. hahah. arigato.
ありがとダイ。i appreciate dai.
ここをあとにして。about to leave.
次行くよ。hittin' next spot.
〆は ”おかあさん”。eventually we are here.
檸檬の雫と香蕈。dropping lemon juice and mushroom.
キョウも楽しかった。quality time with lil brothers.
馬野郎。fuckin' horse. yay.
コレまた20年以上前のモノ。the knit old one. i got over 20 years ago.
グッドナイト。nite nite.
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