


she walks in beauty 

like that night 

hypnotising the silence with her powers

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雨の土曜日。suttoco kinakoのゆかりチャンと旦那サマのまるチャンのws ”晩夏を楽しむ昼食会” に行って参りました。i went to ms yukari and mr maru's ws in the rain saturday.
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ゆかりチャン。旦那サマのまるチャンに初めて逢う。とても気さくで話し上手で賢くて楽しいお方。first time to meet to her hasby mr maru. he is so talented and smart i was much fun with his conversation.
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先ずは冷やし葛餅とくるみ味噌ダレ作り。at first cook kudzu starch jerry with miso walnut sauce.
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とても賑やかで楽しい感がわかるでしょ。very cheerfully and enjoy.
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葛餅といえば黒蜜なのかなぁ。と思いきや味噌にメイプルそこに檸檬が入って。なんとも言えない美味。usually kudzu jerry with brown sugar syrup but her syrup is totally different. soybeans paste, maple syrup, lemon. i can't explain how much good taste and i never taste it.
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まるチャンが作った麦で作った麦茶。mr maru made the barley tea by his grown barleys.
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次はまるチャンがメインで育てている胡麻を ”お塩の見えないごま塩” を作りマシタ。next he showed us how to make salty sesame.
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香ばしく塩味もしっかり。これを神聖なお米 ”伊勢ひかり” のおにぎりで食す。至福。sesame very tasty and very roasted that good much on rice ball of use hiker brand. how happiness it is.
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彼らが作ったもの。their stuff.
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彼女のもの。her stuff.
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料理をしている時のゆかりチャンはとっても素敵。ms yukari is very beautiful especially when she is cooking.
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逸品、逸品の説明はしがたい。シンプルだけれど、これまで食べてきたものとは違う何とも言えない美味しさなの。i can't explain each foods. simple but very tasty i never had eaten those foods anyway absolutely delicious love it. addicted.
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ゆかりチャンが真ん中だって言ってんのに。照れまくる彼女。そんな彼女がとても可愛い。mr maru and i said here right in the middle ms yukari but we don't even know why she doesn't want to hahah. very shy that so cute. hahah. 
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ゆかりチャン、まるチャンごちそうさまでした。感謝。贅沢な時間。いつの日や鳥取へ農業の手伝いにゆくよ。米の収穫とかね。あはは。thank you guys. i appreciate to invite me that time was very quality time with you guys. hopefully help to mr mark's farmers one day.
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買ってきたものと。お土産と。suttoco kinakoのビスケはすぐに食べちゃったもん。まるチャンの饂飩はまたパッタイを作ろうかな。それとゆかりチャンが作ってくれたトマトのヤツ。bought and suvenirs. i ate her biscuts as soon as on arrived house. imma cook pad thai and yukari's recipe tomato sauce one.

このあいだの。秘密基地にて。サンクスIORI。at secret spot the other day. thanks mr iori.
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このバッファローカッコよかった。heck tight the buffalo figurine.
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毛沢東サンとこんにちわ。like i said what's cracking' with mao zedong.
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ヤベェ。中国椅子ヤベェ。fuck so insane chinese chairs.
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中国皇帝の椅子。これを探していた。でもこれを部屋に置くと和洋折衷どころでなく雑多感が否めず。それにしてもカッコイイ。ioriクンが教えてくれたcr mackintoshの方が今の部屋に合うのかなぁ。ゲロ高くて買えないけど. . . . . . .i've been looking for the chinese emperor's chair but if put it on my room that doesn't much or. looks so unsorted even tho looks so cool huh. other wise mr iori told me about cr mackintosh's chair is good on. fuck expensive shyt hahah.
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その日のランチはまたコレ。だって美味しいんだもの。about the day's lunch. here came i ate  thick pork again.
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光さんのおかげで見つけた。ステイツからやってきたdaniel higgsのアルバム。コレがどうにも見つけられなかった。この曲の感じ。行き着くところは此処なのかなぁと改めて思った次第デス。うふ。finally i found that album at states by mr hikaru advice. i'm wondering my goal is like that song style hahah.
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鬼灯を刈り取って籠に乗せた。cut the ground cherry and put on the basket.
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曲も知らずにsuedeのショーへ行ったけれど。ヘロインが入ったアルバム買ってみた。i bought suede's album cuz the other day i went to suede show even i didn't know about any songs of suede then got it.
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ラルフローレンのリネンを秋色に。Ralph Lauren bed stuff is autumn color way.
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こんなのがイイ。着ていたらトチ狂っていると思われるでしょうが。i do love that style peeps thinks she got insane.
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ぁぁぁあああコレよ。コレなのよ。この29年間探し続けてきたものは。ヒステリックグラマーから出したマサミが写っているポスター。松田ケイジも一緒だなんてすっかり忘れていた。実際はこれではないのだけれど。ヒステリックグラマーの北村さんがfbで揚げてくれていた。これまでヒステリックの関係者に逢うたび聴いていたの ”知っているか?”ってね。最初から北村さんに聴けばよかったということ。そういうこと。awwwwww eventully i got know that poster was where comes from. been looking for it for 29 yrs. mr masami from ghoul by hysteric glamour's poster also mr keiji matsuda is there i don't even remember that. damn tight. i've been asking to related persons of hysterics but pr mr kitamura up on fb how nice and appreciate that. i should ask straight to mr kitamura about that poster hum.

さぁ夜勤へ。time to go to night duty. ttyl.

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