夏は冬に憧れて 冬は夏に帰りたい
あの頃のこと今では 素敵に見える
駆け抜けてゆく夏の終わりは 薄れてゆくあなたの匂い
about yesterday was running around for biz. started my home town santa ma cruz to asakusabashi, nippori, nezu, aoyama. final destination was the way to west side in yokohama. mr jun brought me to the raw meat spot.
知らない人が撮ってくれた。自撮りしていたら。撮ってくれた。うふ。some stranger took picture of me at famous cafe at down town in tokyo.
有名なヤツ。美味しかったよ。でも作れなくもないのでは. . . . と思いましたわ。ワタシは料理センスないので無理ですけどね。popular sandwich that delicious but not so special i guess easy to cook it accept me cuz have no sense to my cooking.
とても気持ちのよい場所。nice spot.
花が綻ぶ時。ルビーみたいで可愛かった。looks lovely like tiny ruby when the flower almost bloom.
ここから高台へ向かってゆく。夕陽が美しい。郷愁。head to the height his spot. beautiful evening sun and this town i feel nostalgic.
御生。御レバー。ごま油も美味しいけれど。醤油がすっごく美味しかった。カルビにもつけるんだって。raw liver. sesami oil and salt sauce is typical but soy sauce is very much on liver even bbq sauce too.
御生。ユッケ。raw yukhoe.
キャァぁぁああああああ。awwwwwwwwwwww that it.
特上牛舌。ぶ厚くはないの。けれど味がとっても美味し。special tongue. not so thick but very thick taste.
特上カルビ。普通のカルビでも脂満載。なので白ご飯いただくさ。あの醤油タレつけてさ。special ribs. damn so good fat. we ordered rice and regular ribs even regular alotta fat and good much on rice.
異国情緒。場末の何処かのような。exotic atmosphere like suburban somewhere spot.
二人だったけど。すっゲェーーーデカいテーブルに座ったの。あれ10人くらい座れるかな笑。8人か笑。とにかく大きくていいね。we are damn big ass seats on and table. i guess the seat like ten peeps ll be able to sit on it.
焼肉屋 ”孫悟空” 。たくさん写真撮ってもらった。mr jun bunch of took picture of me front of korean bbq restaurant 孫悟空.
エキゾチックなところから。アメリカンなところへ。ライムパイとピーカンナッツのケーキ。we left exotic spot to american dinner for eat sweet. i order lime pie, he order pecan nuts cake.
end of summer and we ate sweet in the air feels like already autumn comes.
それとホリエくんところの香と缶バッジ。コアファイターにも置いてあったな。懐かしき香。お香立てるのに火鉢が欲しい。and mr jun brought also incense and can badges of interface stuff. i want to get incense stand bowl style "hibachi".
thanks mr jun as always. had so much fun, we should meet up at musashisakai city hahah. imma holler at him later on.
it's been awhile to talk with him from okayama for 4yrs. me and my buddy had some some some even tho they are never change that i'm so glad. hopefully see y'all oneway again.
オヤスミナサイ. . . . . . . .
あっヤァーーーーーーーーーーッと糠床作りました。どこかから薫る糞の匂いは糠が体についているやもしれませぬ。臭い. . . . . . . .
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