
きみとぼくは いつでも

it's been forever. recently hard to work that made me sleepy and tired, so i couldn't posted up on here. 
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キノウ水曜日。おちゃまと近所の拉麺。about yesterday was buddy and i ate noodle for night meal. photo IMG_2420_zpswxdefmsb.jpg
キノウのお昼は。パクチー焼きそば。大好きなの。about yesterday lunch was coriander fried noodle. love it.
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月曜日。おちゃまと担々麺。about monday was buddy and i ate noodle for night meal.

土曜日。おちゃまと味噌拉麺。写真撮り忘れたぜっ。aw i forgot to take picture of saturday night meal.

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いつぞやのトースト。金網つじの網焼きで焼いたよ。蜂蜜とクリームチーズくっつけて。someday grilled bread. put some honey and cream cheese on it. photo IMG_2411_zpsejj9ullc.jpg
先週の金曜日。夜勤明けで眠らず。元同僚の彼のところへ。ターンテーブルいただきましたの。肉もご馳走になりましたの。お泊りもさせてもらいましたの。ありがとうおスギ。abotu last friday was. i went to ex coworker's house after got off night duty for get 2 turntable. he treat me so damn good thanks mr 
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ラルフローレンのスープカップで。アサイーとバナナとヨーグルトと。そんな感じ。mixed acai, banana, yogurt in the beautiful soup cup of Ralph Lauren.
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おばあちゃまから頂いた。70年前のお雛様。春色の刺繍帯と。take over to me from grandmother for 70yrs old dolls with spring motif embroidery obi.
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いつの日かのランチ。lunch the other day.
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ベラフォンテ。belafonte.      photo IMG_2422_zps3cnlyqy9.jpg
キノウは久しぶりのゆっくりな朝。おちゃまと珈琲。春色のスィートピーを生けて。何よりもとても良い薫り。大好きなの。about yesterday was slowly morning with my buddy and having coffee. decorated the spring flowers. i do love that scent of lathyrus odoratus.
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ラルフローレンベッドコレクション。Ralph Lauren bed collection.
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お揃いのジャガード。pair comforter and sheet of jacquard.
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フリル。ニットブランケット。frills and knit blanket.

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i want to change the mood. so buddy and i ll go to hot springs, eat some and go to bed 
um huh. good night.

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