

夜勤明けで。after got off night duty.
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コアファイターのカバーオールとフェルト長鍔キャップ。チェルシーブーツ。core fighter long brim cap and coverall jacket. dr martens chelsea boots.
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frescoのバッグに服を詰め込んで。grab some dress and put in the towel fresco bag.
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高円寺へ。カレー食べようとしたが開店しておらず。で、天麩羅食べた。美味しかったし雰囲気が好き。head to koenji for eat curry but still not open damn it. we changed to tempra restaurant. very delicious and i do like atmosphere that restaurant.
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来てみたかった珈琲や。実験みたいなドリップマシーンがカッケェ。i'm exciting to come cafe. look so good coffee drip machine.
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ワタシはラテ。マスターに聞いたら苺にあう珈琲は特になくてミルク系かなっていうんだもん。asked to chef which coffee is good much on strawberry?like he said doesn't much any black coffee so milk taste is good. damn it.so i ordered latte.
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白餡羊羹。white sweet bean jelly.
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漉餡羊羹。red sweet bean jelly.
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彼奴はメキシコの珈琲を。he ordered mexican beans coffee.

結局のところ。after all.
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彼奴が作った蛍烏賊と菜の花、トマトのパスタが食べたくて食べたくて。美味しかったの!てへ。after all i really wanted to eat my buddy's pasta. he cooked tomato, firefly squid, field mustard. love it absolutely delicious it.
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懐かしくて。bring back old days.

偖、二時間の会議に出て。 夜は肉喰いに自由が丘へ。友の集会デス。楽しみや。
btw imma go to meeting for couple of hours and hitting to friends meeting at jiyugaoka. 

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