

このところ忙しかったな。久しぶりに開いた。i've been so MIA haven't open laptop.
先ずは火曜日のこと。at first, about my tuesday was.
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施設の買い出しで日暮里に来たもので。谷中でご飯。i was at nippori for buying some stuff of weaving and dropped to yanaka town for lunch.
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カフェに来た。here i came at cafe.
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凄い人気で一時間くらい待たせられた。二度と来ぬ。i was making line like a hour for get in shit. i won't i will never come again.
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鯖サンド。普通な感じ。チッ!mackerel sandwich. not so special damn it.
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コレは美味しかった♡ 無花果のラム酒漬けチーズケーキ。でも二度と来ないもん。above the rum taste fig cheese cake is good even tho i will never come peewee.
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帰りに彼奴を迎えにゆく。そして久しぶりのココ。swoop him up and we went to the spot it's been a while.
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石搗きがすっごく美味いのぉ。二本食べたっちゃ。この為に来たと言っても過言でない。we love this one actually we came here for only this one.
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あっでもこれも食べたかったもん。竿。亀頭。彼奴は臭いと言いながら食べてたよ。aw i wanted to eat also this one penis hahah.
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子袋もレバーもいつもの彼処が美味しいということで。意見が一致。like he said other guts restaurant is hella good and i agree with you.
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梅仁丹みたいなヤツ。ume taste alcohol.
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おちゃまのね。it's his can badge.
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セブンなイレブンで。at seveneleven.
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その日は。弟のブランドコアファイターのピンストライプのパンツ、コアファイターのカバーオール、マルジェラの白タグレザーベスト。the day was core fighter coverall and pinstripe pant, maison martin margiela vest.
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楽しい。having fun with you as always.
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lemmy and wendy バンドやるならwendyみたいな格好でやったるで。if i make some band then i'd dress like her.

水曜日。about wednesday.
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東京の西のはずれ。彼奴を送った後に。施設の機織り製品を届けに来た。i came for delivery our weaving stuff at west side in tokyo after took him to work.
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ギャラリーの横には神社。shrine beside the gallery.
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運が良い。またここのランチ開いていた。たまにしか開けないカフェ。i'm so lucky cuz fortunately the cafe open for lunch. open is really rare case.
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その日のメニュー。menu was.
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本当に美味しい。自分で作れたらいいのになぁ。absolutely delicious and wish could cook it by myself.
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デザートも。also i eat cake and chai.
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竹藪の中の。in the bamboo grove. photo IMG_2379_zpsikeglyif.jpg
夜は彼奴と。また来ちゃった。we came here over and over hahah.
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ベビースターみたいなやつを投入。some dry noodle dropped.
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またもパジャマで来ちゃったもんね。i came here with pajama.

time to go to bed night night.

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