漸く大掃除が終わった。finally clean up is ended up.
螺鈿細工の黒漆のテーブルを置いた。今まではスタジオみたいな雰囲気が好きで。あまり物は置きたくなかったんだけど。気に入ったわぁ。settled up baby pearl decorate black table. i've been like simple and studio style but i do love this atmosphere.
大菊、ラナンキュラス、松、榊を生けた青磁の花瓶が欲しいなぁ。このテーブルに合うはず。今年最後の文を書く。arranged flowers that i want celadon vase. i guess the vase much on this table huh. i write some final letter for end of year.
ベッドルームも綺麗にしたよ。clean up also bed room too.
いつだっけ。火曜日かな。about tuesday was.
motorheadのlemmyが亡くなったと聞いて。hawkwindの缶バッジつけて出かけるよ。news told us lemmy from motorhead passed away then grab hawkwind can badge and i'm out=3
ow felemのパッケージにたくさんのCDを詰めて。put bunch of CD in the felem package.
弟の店にデニムを取りに来た。dropped to my brother's shop for grab belafonte denim.
朝日光輝ちゃんのところで前髪を切ってもらったの。cut my bangs at mr teru's hair salon.
皆様にとっても 良き年になりますように. . . . . . . . . . . .
just started eventually TV program.
well almost see the old year out and the new year in.
passed 2 yrs i started the job already.
everything is fun and little bit hard even tho i had much fun and good on 2015.
always my buddies support me, i appreciate to my all friends and coworkers more.
off course my boo loves me as always thank you.
i'll keep head up and be cool, be cute for new year.
wish my buddies and my love the best for 2016 good. . . . . . . . . . . .
- kyoko
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