
いつまでも. . . . . . . . .

雨の水曜日。キノウは。about rainy wednesday was.
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彼奴が行きたいって言うから。うふ。he wants to come the antique shop. photo IMG_1621.jpg
白。黒。お揃いのETHOSジャケット。we shared ethos jacket.
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色色物色。he check so hard.
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凄くカッコいい古い家具。those old stuff are so tight and beautiful.
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日本の古い家具とアールデコのランプの組み合わせが素敵。i do love japanese old stuff and art nouveau coordinate.
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この絵も良かったネ。also this art is heck tight. don't you think?
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店の人がトモくんところのブーツを気に入っていたよ。shop staff likes that boots of tomo & co.
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純喫茶や人気珈琲店へ行こうと思ったんだけど。久しぶりにココに来ちゃった。ふふふ。my buddy and i supposed to go to old coffee shop or poplar shop but here we came for a long time.
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二人お気に入りのたこ焼き。our favorite.
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ワタシは焼きそばも食べちゃうもん。imma eat also fried noodles.
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ETHOSのジャケットにラルフローレンのベレー帽被って。dressed ethos jacket and Ralph Lauren beret hat.
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夜はまたsuttoco kinacoちゃんゴハン作ってみた。塩レンコンとケッパー、アンチョビゴハン。人参とグレープフルーツのマリネ。アボカドと大蒜とレモン。i cooked those stuff again hehe. photo IMG_1616.jpg
朝のお茶。大正時代か明治時代あたりの蕎麦猪口と桃柄の豆皿。morning tea by old old stuff.
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ラルフローレンの。Ralph Lauren bed collection.
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彼奴が和柄みたいだねって。like he said those stuff are look like japanese.

火曜日はね。about tuesday was. photo IMG_1604.jpg
深大寺蕎麦。jindai temple noodle. photo IMG_1610.jpg
近くの骨董屋へ。dropped antique shop near by that temple.
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欲しい❤︎ i want it.
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手紙舎にて。at tegamisha cafe.
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チーズケーキと暖かいジンジャーミルク。new york cheese cake and hot ginger milk.
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U2 the FLY.
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12インチかと思っていた。tought it is 12 inch vinyl.彼奴が和柄みたいだねって。

月曜日もね。even monday was. photo IMG_1580.jpg
久しぶりにココに迎えに来た。it's been a while i came here for swoop him up.
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jil sander by uniqlo のトレンチコート。trench coat of jail sander by uniqlo.
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コアファイターのオーバーオールと。with coverall of core fighter.
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ワタシのリクエスト。my request.
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やっぱり美味しいぃぃいい。水餃子と辛子酢タレ。absolutely delicious. boiled gyoza with mustard vinegar.
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焼き餃子もぉ。美味いぃぃいい。we love also pan fried gyoza too.
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お気に入りの場所。our favorite spot.
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彼奴からの京土産。とても上品な甘さの金鍔と御抹茶。my buddy brought that sweets for me. i cooked green tea then.

キョウのこと。about today is.

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大掃除。年末の恒例ワックスがけ。カーテンも洗って。食器も全部磨いて。残すは風呂場とトイレかな。big clean up for end of year that my rule. wipe on floor by wax, wash all dishes and curtain. i gotta clean up bath room and rest room later on.
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見て。レコードが床に映るほど。艶艶なの。look reflection my vinyls on the shiny floor.
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近くの公園でイブの花火が上がった。去年は一緒に見たね!fireworks go off at park near my house. we looked it last christmas eve.
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恋人はサンタクロースを流しながら。1982年のクリスマス。13歳だったワタシ。今でもこの曲を聴くとトキめいちゃうな。クリスマスっていいな。ドキドキする。playing christmas song of japanese pops. i was listening when i was 13 yrs old on 1982. that song still grab my heart. i feel like i still like christmas and atmosphere even i grown up.
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good night. let's go to the our spot for eat it.

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