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こげな板。about the style skateboard.
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こんな白いフィールドパーカー。ちゃま!やりました!見つけました!まぁ安いとしましょう。yeahhhhhh finally i found the field parka for snow ground that kinda cheap shit.
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火曜日の夜に仕込みマス。ready to cook on tuesday  night. photo IMG_6833_zpsoljgn4fm.jpg
レモンたくさん。うふ。alala lemon.
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冷蔵庫で保存。preserved in the refrigerator.
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花粉が酷いのネ。yesterday was heavy hay fever.
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彼奴は久しぶりのコチラ。it's been awhile, he came here.
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主将よりもこちらのたんめんが好きなワタシなの。i do love the dude's noodle taste more than his teacher.
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この辣油欲しいんデス。i want the chili oil so bad.
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ワタシたち決めました。ここのらーめんが一番好きですと。先日の煮干しらーめんも美味しいけど。また食べに行きたいか?というと。そうでもないのデス。ここのたんめんはいつだって食べたーい。we decided about this noodle is the best for us cuz that make us really want to eat this noodle as always. yep.
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胡椒いっぱいが好き。i do love alotta pepper on the noodle.
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ぁぁあああ食べたくなってきた!damn something make me want to eat that shiiiii.
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キョウはAJ1とコアファイターのスタッズパーカーでロックなオタク気分。today's outfit is like rock nerd style.
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素敵 le pain quotidienに。here i came ”le pain quotidien”
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ライ麦パンとホテルブレッド購入。got rye bread and hotel bread.
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たくさんあるスニーカーを履こう。ほとんどがナイキ。でも今の気分じゃあないんだよなぁ。gotta wear bunch my kicks that all nike but i feel like not nike style. hum.
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紀州南高梅の甘い梅と塩胡椒で味付けしたおにぎりとパンも。rice ball and bread.
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テーブルは出しません。絨毯の上で食べマス。we ate on the floor, we don't use table.
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オヤスミ。good night.

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たくさんのナイキ野郎。bunch of nike stuff.

sneaker snob shit.

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