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もつやに行くか。餃子会館丸山に行くか。which shall we go guts restaurant or jiaozi restaurant.
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adidas and puma brothers.
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ココに来た。here we came.
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煮干鰮らーめん。ぁあ〜ワタシはココの玉子かけごはんが食べたかったのに。売り切れ。合鴨か名古屋コーチンかアローカナの玉子。なので煮干しらーめん寂しい味。we wanted to come down to the noodle restaurant that real popular noodle one but special eggs is sold out. actually i'd love to eat the fresh egg and rice more than noodle damn it.
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寂しい味だから。直ぐに甘いモノが食べたくなる。ワタシとちゃま。the noodle was weak taste that's why my buddy and i wants more some foods or sweets.
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来たもん。来ちゃったもん。yeah here we came. photo IMG_6824_zps5srtit81.jpg
ラーメン食べたのに。ラーメンランキングの本を見る。we already ate noodle even tho he still checkin' some noodle ranking book ;p
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星野に来ました。we come down to other spot.
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アップルパイ。apple pie.
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ボインデー。boob day.
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いつの日か。ブラックサバスのチャック。my black sabbath chuck taylor the other day.
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さぁ寝ましょう。time to go to bed.

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