思いがけず休みだったので。向かうよ。アソコへ。we are unexpect he got day off then we are heading to the spot.
顔がカワユイ。his face is cute.
彼奴がflick flick. his flicks.
チンコ。スパス。小学生のように喜ぶ。he took some stupid pics then he is so happy like kid.
花園神社。shrine of hanazono.
靖国神社。shrine of yasukuni.
カワイイのではないらしい。it's unlovely.
何故に電池が2本。そこに注目。he thought why buttery is on it.
神保町に到着。並んでいる。arrived jinboucho city. alotta peeps is making line for get in.
どうかなぁ〜。how was the spot?
食肉センターが気になって。偵察。コチラよりも待ち人多し。he checked other restaurant but alala peeps are making line more than our spot.
ドピュっとメロン。squirt melon soda.
焼きそば専門 ”みかさ”。we are hitting fried noodle bar.
一緒になって ”大盛り” 頼んだけど。ちょっと残してしまった。i ordered bigg one same as his order but enough. i left lilbit.
初めての靖国神社。お清め。he first time to comes here. purify before get in the main shrine.
神籤はふたりとも ”吉”。our fortune is just good fortune. it's good tho i guess.
ドレスdress:BlackFleece byBrooks Brothers
フラノフーディーflannel hoody:ETHOS
スニーカーkicks:stan smith adidas
”クルン”としたところは龍の舌。造形物が美しくてカッコよい。the curly spot is dragon's tongue. those sculpted objects is look so tight.
凡てが大きくて。なんだか気持ちがよい。i feel so good by huge scale structure.
お菊。our symbol.
帰ろう。go back to home.
その前に。before that.
土産物屋さんへ。dropped to some souvenir shop before leave.
Tシャツやポロシャツ。T shirt and Polo shirt with symbols.
昭和と平成。showa era and heisei era.
あんなにお腹いっぱいだったのに。甘いものが食べたい。のだ。was damn full my stomach but already i want to eat some sweet. hum.
ミニストップのフォンダンショコラ。食べたわ。we ate fondant chocolate of convenience shop.
眠くて. . . . . . . . i'm sleepyhead.
ETHOS財布とETHOS財布。two of purses of ETHOS brand.
寿司食べて。ペパーミントティーとローズティー飲んで。単焦点レンズでflicks。we ate sushi and drink some organic tea after that he took some pictures by single forces lens.
靖国土産は櫻色のボトルのお神酒。yasukuni shrine souvenir is libation of the sakura bottle.
神保町の焼きそばも美味しかった。けれど。ここの焼きそばが一番すきってことで。意見一致デス。fried noodle of jinbouucho area but below the noodle is the best in our opinion.
高橋本店。octopus dumplings and fried noodle bar.
やっぱり美味しかった!damn so dalicious and absolutely love it!
猫柳がひらいた。willow bloomed.
フワフワでカワイイ。きゃん。aww fluffy like cat. so lovely.
getting hard rainy.
about to go to night duty and hopefully you get better for tomorrow.
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