我慢できない女。バレンタインデーに渡そうと思ったのだけれど。キノウ渡す始末。can't paitient. dedicated to my buddy yesterday. i was supposed to present to my boo for valentine day. hahah.
どの曲もカッケぇ。all songs is heck tight.
青唐辛子を求めて何件かスーパーを巡る。その途中買っちまった小皿と箸置き。カッコイイ瓶の魚醬とジャスミンライス。running around for get fresh pepper then bought some lil dish and chopstick rest even not really use them and nice package of fish sauce bottle, jasmine rice.
青パパイヤ。ソムタム。イエーーーーーーイ!yeaaaaaaaaah somtam.
最後は彼奴に味を整えてもらったよぉ。finally he check taste.
半熟目玉焼きも作ってもらって。”美味しかった”と言ってもらえて良かった〜。ふぅ〜。he cooked fried egg with runny yolk and like he said ”i do like your one more than thai restaurant” YAY.
ワタルちゃんにもらったroyal hawaian poolのステッカー。mr wataru gave me the sticker of royal hawaian pool.
彼奴。弾く。he play the guitar.
彼奴の。ワタシの。bass drum of death。our albums of bass drum of death.
彼奴から。ずいぶん前の。old stuff of sakevi and undercover from my buddy.
横山サンとアンダーカーバーのヤツ。mr sakevi yokoyama and undercover.
パジャマにしてしまったぁああぁああああ。aaaaaaaaaah tryna dressed for pajama.
横山sakevi gism。sakevi from gism.
今朝はワンプレートに。all foods on a dish in the morning.
障がい者の方々とランチ。had lunch with handicapped peeps.
障がい者の方が織ったモノに綺麗な花柄の裏地を合わせてみました。wweaving by handicapped dude and i put flower pattern fabric for back side.
あなたへ。雨、嫌だな。for you. sick of rainy day.
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