東京の西。家の近くの緑萌ゆるホテルで同僚とランチ。食べた食べた喰いまくったぁぁぁぁああ。west side in tokyo. i went to hotel in deep forest location with coworkers for have a lunch. we ate fuckin' alot!
ランチ終わって彼奴のところへ。imma head to swoop him up after left the restaurant.
来た!here he come.
彼奴の大好きガツ刺し大蒜醤油。あんなに食べたのに。また食べるワタシ。guts with garlic and soy sauce. awww eat more even my stomach is full. damn it.
脂。蕩ける。流石にキョウは一本しか食べられなかった。まだあったのに. . . . . . . . . .
the fats skewer is melty in my mouf. ow yeah i just eat only one skewer of fats.
定年を迎えたであろう男たちが満載の店。大した話でもなく、オヤジギャグ言い合いながら、白鳳と遠藤の相撲を見て、あーだこーだ言う。ここは ”平和だね” と彼奴と共感する。the spot always packed who old dudes after retired job. dudes are talking about nothing much story or saying jokes as watching TV ”sumo” program. we share the feelings of ”here is peaceful place”
btw, imma come down to sea side area in odawara city with handicapped peeps. i'm glad it will be sunny day=3
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