水曜日晴れ。海へ向かう。wednesday it's beautiful day YAY. we are heading to beach.
何はともあれ。巨大な王将に入る。見て!デカい!でしょう?!we gotta eat some anyway. we dropped to huge restaurant ”ohsho” . look!hella huge huh?
ETHOSのドクターシャツ、ホワイトLEEのlady ridersとレッドCHUCK。リングはETHOSスタッズ、TENDERLOINダイアモンドid、numbernine パール。ETHOS dr shirts, white LEE denim, red chuck taylor, ETHOS studs ring, TENDERLOIN diamonds id, numbernine pearl ring.
ウンチ!トイレまで遠いのだ!走らねば!far away to bathroom!gotta run for take poop hahah!
しらすを食べに行くのに。待ちきれず。食べてしまうオレ達。can't wait until reach to restaurant beside the beach then. we ate anyways.
お城(注:場末のラブホテル)のような王将を後にして。we are leaving ”look like castle” restaurant.
並んじゃった。テヘ。we are making line for get it.
小さな蛸をプレスしちゃうの。蝦も海月もあったわよ。octopus cracker. any stuff pressured for make cracker. even lobster, jellyfish.
木漏れ日が夏のよう。 the sunshine looks like in summer.
勝運の神ですって。児玉さんと。mr kodama is good fortunate in victory. so i'm be with him.
濱には行かず。何か食べたくてしかたないワタシ。we don't even dropped beach ahahah cuz i want to eat some. what's wrong with me.
きゃーん。バカっ。awww. you are fool.
きゃーん。バカっ。awww. i'm fool.
お気に入りのしらすやへ。our favorite restaurant.
鎌倉といえば鳩サブレー。笑。well known about kamakura city is ”pigeon cookie”
それと紫芋のアイスクリーム♡ and purple sweet potato ice cream.
damn lick lick lick hum.
まるで彼のよう。look like him.
鶴岡八幡宮の牡丹展は終わっていた。カッコよくて好きな花。it was done
立てば芍薬座れば牡丹歩く姿は百合の花。そんな素敵な女になりたいものデス。when you the way stand up like a chinese peony, when you the way to sit down like a japanese peony when you the way walk like a lily. i want to be like that beautiful women.
ここからは彼奴のランダムpics. he tooks below the pictures.
氣を使わせちゃったかなぁと思う昨日の水曜日。guess, he take care of me a lot especially yesterday wednesday.
rush rush on our way to home cuz. . . . . . . . . . . .
we are greedy ha.