朝ごはん。お気に入りのピーナッツバター。蜂蜜。バナナ。カフェラテ。そして大嫌いな街池袋へ向かう。my favee peanut butter, honey and bananas, latte thiss my breakfast. after eat it, imma head to my hate city ”ikebukuro”
最後に来たのはいつかな。creatureのアル、ナバレッティ、コンソリのマルチャンと逢った以来かもしれない。忘れちゃった。i haven't been a while come down to ikebukuro city. it was i met up wiz al, navarrette, from creature skateboarding and maru from consolidated skateboards. i guess.
急いで出たので髪は洗わず。なのでグリーサーにしましたわ。i was so rush to out then didn't wash my hair hehe that's why my hair is greaser style.
ヤマダんところのクリーパー。基ラバーソール履いた。i wore the FVK's creeper. oops we had to call that rubber sole.
ゴールドチェイン。gold chain gang.
やっぱり嫌い。i hate spot anyways.
TNTのこのカラーも良いね。でもSK8HI classicsのネイビー買った。also i do like the TNT's shoe but i bought sk8 hi classic navy.
やっぱり原宿青山へ行こう。hitting to harajuku aoyama area.
comme des garçons homme plus やべぇ。欲しいコートとショートパンツあった。shit comme des garçons homme plus is teck tight. i want to buy some shorts and coat. damn.
嶋田洋書にて ”マフィア”。 ”mafia” at book store.
limへ。dropped to phillip lim.
ステラ。stella mccartney.
ニコライバーグマンのフラワーショップ。素敵。カフェにはカッコいい外人おっさんスケーターがお茶してたの。nicolai bergmann's flower shop in aoyama city. beautiful shop and awesome old men skater is having tea in the cafe by nicolai.
帰り道。”君が僕を知ってる”を聞いた。on the way to home as playing the song ”kimi ga boku wo shitteru by RC succession”
国立の多摩蘭坂を通って。忌野のために花が手向けられている。drive to pass through the hill ” tamaranzaka” in kunitachi city. lay flowers for kiyoshiro's death day on 2nd may.
国立のスターバックスでバナナなんとかを飲もうと思う。が。完売。へえ。supposed to drink banana some some at starbucks in kunitachi city but already sold out. shit.
国立は好きな街。i do love the city ”kunitachi”
帰ろう。on the way to home.
あの日池袋。creatureのnavarrette、adrian、al、consolidatedのマルチャンそしてワタシ。懐かしい。楽しい時間だった。マル子供みたいで可愛い。でもスケートはハードコアだぜ。俺たちheshだぜ。へへへ。back in the day at ikebukuro city. navarrette, adrian, al from creature skateboarding and it'a me, maru from consolidated. it was good time. maru looks like kid but his skate way is hardcore and heck tight.
i decided about what should i wear swimwear for this summer. hahah. below one piece swim wear.
明日晴れますように. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
i hope it's beautiful day tomorrow. good night.
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