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切り刻む。chopped screw......... it's rap the way screwwww.
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marucoちゃんが作ってくれた胡椒味のチョコレートが食べたくなって作ってみた。簡単だから〜って言ってたのになかなか作らなかったワタシ。ほほほ。meijiのチョコレートなかったよぉー : (  somehow really wanna eat pepper chocolate who maruco cooked the chocolate. like she said ”it's easy to cook, don't u try it?” but haven't do it. hahahah.
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粗挽き胡椒が中にも入っているの。大人味。美味しいよ。coresaly pepper is in the chocolate. bitter taste n good.
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ヘアサロン ”timeless” の夏用ブランケットを作った。i made summer blanket for hair salon ”timeless”
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車の中で使うサングラスケースを作って欲しい!と頼まれて作ったの。my homies wants me to make sunglass case for in the whip (car) then i made it.
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i don't know what to do. should i make simple one or put some decorative one.
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about my new stuff up on the homepage. 

KyoKoKuwabara fabric arrangement ☟


hotel no name

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pants : ZARA sweat : H&M shoe : vans x geoff rowley x motorhead photo 21c0029a-c781-4357-8373-fde46260cf51_zps249e6fcb.jpg
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rings:ethos, nightrider, mumbernine headphone : marshall
sid vicious leather bracelet : 666

昨晩。ふたりで聞いた曲。ギターのラインがカッコイイの。last night, we're listening this song in the car. guitar line is hella tight. 

good night. 

lord have mercy on my soul

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キョウは電車に乗って出かけたよ。彼女に逢いにね。i'm out by ride on train to see my girr.
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artyz N nexusvii のレザーバッグに荷物つめ込んで。my stuff packed in the lil leather bag of artyz N nexusvii.
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marshallのヘッドフォン出して曲聞きながら。気分が上がるの。use the headphone of marshall for listen some songs in the train that crank me up .
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高円寺に来た。ここへ来るのは彼奴とカレー食べに来た以来だから。約一年ぶり。here i come at koenji town. it's been about a year since i came here wiz my buddy for eat curry.
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ランチはベトナム料理。vietnam foods for lunch.
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デザートはチェー。sweet was che.
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彼女は映像の仕事をしていて。色色教えてもらいたいの。カッコイイもの作りたい。her job is make videos. i want her teach me how to make video then i want to make awesome video wiz her oneday.
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古着屋行ったりパンクショップ行ったり。楽しい。we dropped to used clothing store N punk stuff store. it was much fun time.
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彼女の旦那サマの計らいでタトゥースタジオへ来た。旦那サマとは18歳で出逢って。かれこれ25年の付き合い。いつも遊んでいたわけじゃないけど私が岐路に立つときにいつも連絡をくれた気がするな。そんな兄貴デス。her hasby hooked me up wiz tattoo studio today. he is old old friend like for 25 yrs. well, me and him not much to see each other but he always check me out when i'm on turning point. 
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sailor jerry.
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rock of ages.
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stained glass of skull.
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お土産。六花亭のレーズンクッキー大好きなの。キョウも時間が足りない。もっともっと話したかったぁ。gift. i really love the cookie of rokkatei. thanks. not enough time to talk sigh.
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帰り道。on my way to home.
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お気に入り。my favee.
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雨が降ってきた。getting rainy.

heck tight =3



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こんな時間に食っちまったーーーーー!!!!!damn i ate noodle at late night!!!!!
明日はアレとコレとソレするよ。グッドナイト。good night.


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ユーアンドミー。u and me.
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ミャーミャーミャー。meow meow meow.
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デルトロ。del toro.
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また明日。see u later.

lazy thug

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lazyな日曜日。lazy sunday. 
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ランチしてゴロゴロ。had lunch wiz buddy and lazy on the bed.
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栗の木。もうすぐ私の好きなくりの薫りがしてくるはず。chestnuts trees. guess, the tree ll send forth fragrance sometime soon.Image and video hosting by TinyPic
あっまた真似された!と言ってやる!ホホホ。he loves copy me hahahah.
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go for take pee N peeping u.


you spin me around around

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最近気になるamadanaのサーキュレーター。これカッコいい!回っているファンがコレまたかっけーの。ダイソンよりこっちが気になるぞ。i'm interesting this air circulator of AMADANA. thiss look so tight and also look good when the fan turn around!interesting more then dyson.


なぐさめに なりそうもない

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揺れていかされて 振り向けば哀しい そして良い週末を。。。。。。

bitches blew

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i've been going to school for get nursing license. last for a month, i have to go to nursing home for how to take care of old people. whole bunch old people is in the home who has dementia or just got old old age. people like 80, over 90 yrs old or almost 100 yrs old. they talk me bunch of their old story that story grab my heart and my heart moved. this job is like have to care of old people only several days until to die. this job is so deep meaning and good job. even tho i'm not sure i do fit for this job. hum 
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キョウの仕事は食いもんパークで一緒にごはんを食べること。today's job is just have a lunch wiz client at park. that's all.
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鬼美味ハム。absolutely delicious the ham.
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鬼美味牛タンライスバーガー。this is also delicious beef tongue rice burger.
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キャンタマオと見た満月。looked the full moon wiz my buddy.
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キョウの部屋着。テンダーロイン T。today's room wear. tenderloin T.
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this pic is 20 yrs old one. this dude gave me above the tenderloin T.
今はコレ?recently his style. isn't it?
imma ignore any complain hahah.
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my lucky charm ”KKK”. made by KWG inc.