
mother's little helper

looking for restroom then reached at tokyo tower.    
unidentified flying object in the sky of harajuku.
nice view at starbucks. my girr on the phone
flick in the restroom of starbucks.
ヘアメイクアーティストの輝さん、奥サマめぐちゃんと弟分ケースケの展示会に行ったの。like my lil bro keisuke, hairmakeup artist mr teru and his wify menu. dropped to  keisuke's hat exhibition.
keisuke and i. he made some casket and own suit which i ordered to laurah's fabric store at oklahoma state. looks cool yea?
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ランチはみんなでリリーカレー。today's lanch was at lily curry.Image and video hosting by TinyPic
ethosのケイくんとイケダくん、オレ、ヘアメイクアップアーティスト輝さんと奥サマメグチャンでランチしながら悪巧み。ヘヘヘイ。kei and ikeda from ethos, i, hairmakeupartist mr teru and his wify megu. we r having lunch and planning some badass HA!
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代官山蔦屋のとなりにあるハワイアンレストランでお茶。オレオとクリームチーズとマンゴーのなんちゃら。we r chilling at hawaiian restaurant beside books store tsutaya daikanyama. oreo, cream cheese and mango mixed up anyway hahah.
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アサイーボウル。asai bowl.
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ワープマガジンのカナ嬢とステキスターバックスにてお茶。tea time at starbucks wiz mis kana from warp magazine. the starbacks is nice view spot.
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i went yakitori restaurant wiz him but i couldn't take pix sigh. foods r delicious!chicken's glans?!,  cartilage, law liver, grilled liver, stake etcetc <3

this song turning circles running around in his brain. about in my brain, the song ”satisfaction”

gimme shelter

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those boob is my favee form<3
i don't like push up bra style cuz looks like fake huh?
if u got big boob then droop boob is natural rite? 
it's i do like and so sexy ネ.

well, i had alotta fun wiz my homies today
that's becuz of u as always.

tonight dinner was hella delicious!
we ate a lot grilled chicken but sick of translate those foods name 
anywayz we ate grilled glans?don't know how can i say HA

hey i always appreciate u だよ
aw imma post today's pix tomorrow nitenite

fuckin' 1969 it's our era ya


if you can't rock me somebody will

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本日ランチはベランダで食べたよ。had a lunch at balcony.Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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キョウのニットはずいぶん前に弟のブランド”コアファイター”で作ってもらったものなんだ。suicidal tendencies pattern ネ。today's knit is core fighter brand. my brother made this one for me.   pattern is suicidal tendencies.

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thiss today's our style. don't chu?


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宝川温泉へ連れてきてもらったのーーーーーー。混浴大露天風呂。広くて気持ちよくて楽しかった<3 色々イロイロ見ちゃったよ。アレやコレやネ<3  だって見ちゃうよね。ホホホ。we came down to hot springs!there is men and women bathe together!YAY!much fun and much relax!
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前橋で気になった食いもんや。we r wondering about dem restaurant in maebashi city. actually we ate chinese noodle and mapo tofu.
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W P gold burger HA

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予てより食いたかったのがコチラのバーガー!”イチジクとクリームチーズのバーガー””あ〜あーーーーーーやっぱり一人で食べに行っちゃったんだね”って言われちゃう。。。。。。。ごめん。yeeaaah!finally dropped to the burger shop!i'd love to eat ”dried fig and cream cheese burger” but he'd say ”i know it!u were gonna come and eat it by urself huh” damn it. i'm so sorry.Image and video hosting by TinyPic
くっそぉーーーーーー美味過ぎるぜ!look!hella delicious!Image and video hosting by TinyPic
めっちゃ気になるアレ!ソレ!かっこわるい感じのブラックメタル。ハハハ。欲しいぜ。so curious that and it!that black metal face is looks not cool hahahah but i want it!YAY! Image and video hosting by TinyPic bakerのビデオが何個かあったよぉー。sammybacaが好きなのだ。there restaurant has baker's video that my favee skateboard team, especially sammy is one of the best!Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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彼女はteam blogger。フフフ。逢いたかった〜。おしゃれ大好きなカワイらしい子なのだ!ワタシかわいい子だいすき <3 また食いに行くね <3 今度は二人で行きます。she is on team blogger. mmmm. i relly wanted to see her!she is fashionable and real cute girrrrrrrr!i do love cute girls YA. imma come down to whoopie gold burger restaurant again and imma come wiz him next!
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またね〜。see u sometime in soon!