
ありきたりな街角でもいい すれ違っても きっと私はふり返るはず

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偖はて。水曜日の朝。岡山FVK山Pから届いたceのソックス。だってシンちゃんの店では完売してたんだもん。crassについて語るzineも送ってくれたもん。ありがとう。well, about last wednesday morning was i received ce's socks from mr yamada of FVK okayama prefecture cuz the socks is sold out at sk8thing shop and mr yamada sent me the zine of talking about crass. thanks mr yama P.
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スネークマンショー。snakeman show.
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中学生の頃同級生の男の子たちは阿保みたいに聴きまくっていた。面白いから聴いてみろと言われたけど。当時は”急いで口で吸え”とか言っちゃってバカみたいと思っていましたが。すごいね。選曲も喋りも面白くてカッコいい。boys class mate has been listning above albums and they told me should listen them cuz so funny but their album not interesting to girls when i was teenager. lately somehow make me want to listen their songs that so funny and cool ass fuck!
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アンスリウムな画。anthrium art.
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あの日の夜は。about that night was.
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彼奴は沖縄そば食べようと言ったが。私は嫌だと思った。うふふ。like he said "shall we eat  okinawa style noodle?"i say "nope"
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結局。餃子やへ。finally we drop to jiaozi bar.
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先ずはパクチーの山盛り。at first we ordered coriander salad.
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馬。鬣。horse meat sashimi. photo IMG_0068_zpsxlpkzqv2.jpg
ジャガバタと塩辛。美味し。potato butter with salted fish guts.
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餃子もういっちょっす。once more order jiaozi.

木曜日。曇りのち雨。about thursday it's cloudy to rain later.
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施設のみんなとバスで那須へ一泊旅行。our nuesing home head to nasu tochigi prefecture by bus for overnight trip.
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ちょっとお見せしちゃいます。障がいのある人たちが暮らす施設なのですが。この女性は東京から那須まで足を上げたままデス。これが拘りなので誰も止められません。彼女腹筋すげぇ〜ぜっ!well, imma show you lilbit about handicapped person of our nursing home. look she raised foot until arrive to tochigi prefecture like 3 hours. wow. but we never can stop her commitment autism. damn her strong muscles.
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那須はあいにくの雨模様。over there it's rain.  photo _MG_7104_zpsffdtn3a7.jpg
小雨の中。象に乗ったゾウ〜。むふ。we ride on elephant in the lil rain.
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彼女は家族の愛情深く育ったお嬢さんで。天真爛漫。動物も大好きで更に毛を抜くのも大好き。象に乗るよって伝えてから毎日のように。”象さん毛抜いた〜”と言っていました。”絶対に抜くんじゃね〜ぞ!”と言い続けました笑。象の毛は抜かなかったけど。お猿のメイちゃんの毛を瞬時に抜いたぁ〜〜〜〜。きぃーーーーーと叫んだメイちゃんなのでした。涙。her family affectionately rear her that she is simple and innocent. she does love animals and pull anything hair of animal and human hahah. i keep telling her about don't pull up elephant hair cuz she said ”imma pull up elephant hair ~” everyday until the day. didn't pull up elephant but she pulled up monkey's hair damn it!

土曜日。about yesterday saturday.
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眠いけど早起きしてラルフローレンのセールへ。wake up earlier even sleepyhead for go to Ralph Lauren bed collection sale.
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神楽坂へ。dropped to kagurazaka city.
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紫色の花飾りたい。紫式部とクレマティス。i want to decorate purple flowers at home. callicarpa and clematis.
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大きなエビフライ。big fried prawns.
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妹が見せてくれた。中年男の為の本って。いいね。my lil sister showed me magazine for middle age gentleman.
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弟ノボルがコラム書いているんですって。それから本当にbluenoteのユニフォームデザインしたとのこと。ノボルのセンスが合う仕事だと思った。誇らしいね。my brother in law writing column article couple of pages of void magazine and that was real about he designed uniform for blue note. i thought his fashion sense is good much on blue note uniform. proud of you.
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神楽坂の紀の善で。bought green tea pudding of kinozen at kagurazaka city.
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ラルフローレンではシーツを一枚。ブランケットを一枚。コンフォーターカバーを二枚。i got flat sheet, blancket, comfortercover.
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それからアールデコ調のシルバーフレームとゴールドフレーム。素敵。and artdeco style silver and gold flames that very beautiful.
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iphone 6 s plusもキタ。ウフ。大きいほうが見やすいに違いないと思ったのに。大きいと目が疲れる。兎に角我が儘なワタクシ。also new iphone is coming. aw. i thought bigger is good to me  but too big is no goos my eyes damn it. anyways i'm so selfish.

キョウ。about today.
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一日中ゴロゴロ。taken nap all day today.
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夕方から晴れ間。comes sunshine from evening. 
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それから中秋の名月。and tonight harvest moon. photo IMG_0108_zpsb9sci95f.jpg
荒井由実聴いて。as playing that songs. photo IMG_0107_zpscijy1fjl.jpg
bonnie whiteも。also listening bonnie white.
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おやすみなさい。good night.


やっぱり persian love が好き

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久しぶりに此処に迎えに来た気がする。it's been awhile to come here for pick him up.
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大好きな曼珠沙華。this is my favorite flower. photo IMG_0036_zpsaig6trrc.jpg
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ETHOSのパンツに。26年前に購入したロバートジョンソンのタッセルローファー。dressed ETHOS pants and Robert Johnson's tussel lofer that i got 26 yrs ago. 
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おちゃまと此処へ来たよ。here we came.
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キョウは皮蛋豆腐も。we ordered century egg and tofu.
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優しいあの子はいつも取り分けてくれます。my boo serving  for me as always.
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あなたとカオマンガイ。ate khao man kai with you.
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デザートも食ったもん。タロイモのプディングとココナッツアイスよ。それにしてもiPhoneのカメラフォーカスが壊れていてボケボケがイラつく。だけどもさ iphone 6s plus 予約したもん。だからいいんだもん。also we ordered sweets. cocoyam and coconuts ice cream. damn iphone camera getting on my nerves on cuz focus is broken but i reserved new iPhone shit hahah.
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おちゃまの素敵なおTシャツ。he dressed some nice T shirt.
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やっぱりpersian love がすき。やっぱり貴方がすき。i do love the song after all.



the other day playing above the song in the radio and quickly i told him about that song.

me and my buddy always exchange of information when we got new song or nice song and we tell compliment for each other when we get nice one this is our rule.
and then i told him about above the song "persian love" but already he knows that song damn it and like he said "i play that song sometime for DJ" whaaaaaaaaaat! i'm so shocked and how disappoint hahah even tho having fun with him.

それから. . . . . . . . 
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施設で機織りをしていることは何度か此処に書いていますが。経糸と横糸を折り重ねて布が出来上がるんだけど。経糸を私たち職員が作らなければならなくて。250本、400本と色を組み合わせて12メートルを整経しています。posted about our nursing home doing some weaving on here. lately i had to learn how to warping for weave cuz staff has to make it then. 
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色を組み合わることが楽しくもあり。難しくもある。hard to coodinate of colors or having fun to make it.
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これが経糸。施設の写真ではないけれど。日本の伝統でもある機織りを覚えることができてとても光栄。織り機を貸してくれるとのことで。家で機織りしてロングコートかロングベストみたいなものを作りたいな。this is warping. i feel honor to learn japanese traditional weaving and appreciate our home gave me to opportunity to do it. imma doing weaving at my home then ll make long coat or long vest one day. 
