
鎌倉よ何故 夢のような日々を遠ざける 誰のこゝろも悲しみで闇に溶けてゆく

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晩夏。江の島へ。to the enoshima late in summer.
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しらす丼食べたいが。混みあっている。i'd love to eat some bowl rice but the restaurant is packed.
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 お坊っちゃまサマがご飯やさんを探してくれています。he tryna find other restaurant. photo IMG_9569_zpst9pmayps.jpg
frescoのタオルバッグに。 FVKとコアファイターのバンダナ入れて。7D持って。get my stuff in fresco towel bag.
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腰越の漁業所に車停めて。parkinglot in the fishers area.
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待つ。waiting to get in the restaurant.
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やっぱり此処に来てしまった。here we came that our rule.
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朽ちる百合。fallen lily.
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このピアスは彼奴のすきな古い写真の中で着けていたもの。i was wearing in that old picture who my buddy loves that picture.
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生のしらすは売り切れでした。釜揚げとなんの刺身だったっけ?兎に角美味しかったから良いよね。うふ。our favorite raw fish was soldout hum. some young fish and some raw fish rice bowl, i forgot what name is. anyway all foods is delicious.
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さぁ甘いもの食べにゆくよ!let's haed to sweets spot.
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とめどなく流す涙で江の島も揺れる。shimmer the island of enoshima by endlessly fallen tears.
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夏の終わり。end of summer.
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鎌倉の素敵な山間を抜けて此処に来た。here we came through beautiful mountain valley.
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4年前に銭洗弁財天に来たね。back in the day we came here four years ago. 
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葛切り食べにきたのに。休みだった。涙。japanese sweets restaurant is closed. hum.
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偖、帰ろう。shall we go back home.
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夜ご飯。近所の八王子拉麺。about our night meal is noodle of hachioji city style.
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Fresco towel bag.
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施設で育てた無農薬の小玉西瓜。organic watermelon who our nursing home handicapped peeps growing.
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今朝届いた。茄子紺ブルーの高台皿と利休グリーンの皿。美しい。i recieved those dishes in this morning. look beautiful.
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昨日の鎌倉を憶い。Kamakuraを聴く。remembering about yesterday as listening that record.

偖はて。着替えて渋谷へ向かいますか。well, get dress and go to shibuya city.

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