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気持ちの良い水曜日。里サンところのstruggle for pride Tシャツ(贅沢パジャマね)からラルフローレンカントリーのフリルシャツに着替えて出発よ=3 beautiful wednesday. i changed pajama of struggle to Ralph Lauren country frill shirts and let's out=3 photo _MG_6105_zpsergudpau.jpg
浅草へ。headed to asakusa city.
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初めての泥鰌。猪口や徳利。それから大きな神棚。座敷スタイルも粋だねぇ。かっけぇデス。”どぜう”もとても美味しかった。ぁぁああああ美味かった。彼奴の粋な計らいでご馳走さま。ちゃまありがと<3 また食べに行こう=3 first time to eat loach and he treat me it. dishes, household shrine, sit on floor style is heck tight. this is the japanese traditional style proud it. sure loach is very delicious, absolutely love it. thanks my buddy<3
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浅草寺でお参り。仲見世通って。揚げ饅頭とお茶飲んで。龍神の伝説の話をしてくれて。”上の空” でなくちゃんと聞きましたわよ。pray at senso temple in asakusa. sightseeing through the nakamise. eat japanese sweets and drink green tea. he told about according to legend dragon even my mind was somewhere gahhhh i listened his talk hahah. photo _MG_6159_zpsjuxazwdf.jpg
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花やしきそばの銭湯。彼奴も入ったことがあるそうで。風情?!がありますな。ノスタルジックですね。ははは。扨、”男は黙ってサッポロビール” ”極端に不潔な方入浴お断り” は彼奴が撮りました。public bath near by hanayashiki who my buddy used to come down here bath. nostalgic.  he took pictures of some men's rule and for take bath rule.
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yes coke yesのアドバタイズはプレスリー。かっけぇな。洒落てるな。coke's advertise is elvis that heck tight.
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浅草を後にして。甘いものをたべようかと帰り道。寄り道。レコードやへ。美味そうな珈琲屋は休みデシタ。dropped to some town for get sweets after left asakusa city but we could't get it then hit to records shop.
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ボクサー輪島の店を通って。passing by dang shop who famous boxer's japanese sweets shop.
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多摩蘭坂を走り抜け。5月2日の清志郎の命日を追福する。輩(薄ら禿な)が清志郎のうたを熱唱。through the tamaran hill. dude pray for famous singer mr kiyoshiro and he is singing kiyoshi's song at kiyoshi's memory hill.
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夜ご飯はワタシがご馳走。”餃子の王将”。てへへへ。泥鰌とうって変わりますが。ご愛嬌でね。about dinner was i treated him and we eat junk foods?!hahah. cheap but yummy that loco foods.
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またpunkな写真集を見るの巻。we checked punk photo book again. he loves look that book. photo IMG_7860_zps9lobehdp.jpg photo IMG_7859_zpsfcmntpie.jpg
一昨々日からのパジャマTは里サンところのstruggle for pride。my pajama is struggle for pride T.
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 何時ぞやの里サンとワタクシ。old picture of mr imazato from struggle for pride and i.
http://akiramrstaylor.blogspot.jp/2015/05/homies.html   photo 37436ac4-a382-4ca9-be07-eaeaf72699e6_zps95ihxyvs.jpg
このラルフローレンカントリーは25年前のモノ。まだラルフローレンカンパニーで働く前ね。鈕はは全てシルバーコンチョ。ディティールが綺麗で。ステッチにフリルが素敵なの。Ralph Lauren country blouse is really old one i got it for 25 yrs ago before i work at Ralph Lauren co. all button by silver and stitch, frills, detail is hella beautiful.
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ケメックスとどきました。カッコイイねぇ〜。i recieved chemex. look so damn cool huh. photo IMG_7895_zpsntja5wwh.jpg
及源の椿があしらわれた南部鉄器の急須とケメックスのハンドドリップメーカー。素敵なものを並べる幸せ。ぁああ幸せ。camellia motif is on the ironware teapot and glass handdrip coffee maker by chemex. how beautiful stuff in the kitchen. how happy that just my favorite stuff collected.


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