先ずは。彼奴のポンちゃんから。おクマ熊のケツの周りみたいなパサッとした毛を発見。そして命名”ポンちゃん”。ごめん意味不明。anywayz可愛いってこと。ハハハン。at first i found some like bear's hair on his back head. i mean that's dry hair like bear's around butt hole hahah. so i put name of that hair ”mr pon” damn i can't explain good anyway i feel like his dry twining hair is lovely.
靖国神社を通り過ぎ。through the yasukuni shrine.
彼奴の提案でこちらへ。here we came by his idea.
早く食べたいの舞。the dance is let me eat templa let me eat templa quickly.
紫陽花。すき。i do love hydrangea.
安くて。美味しい。なんて素晴らしい!cheap and absolutely delicious. how nice!
感謝。感謝。ちゃまにも感謝。i appreciate to the restaurant and my buddy.
この間はどぜう食べに来て。此処に来るの忘れちゃって。神谷バーの電気ブラン美味しい。ワタシはたくさん飲めないけどさっ。それとおじちゃん?おじいちゃん達の憩いの場みたいでいいね。the otherday we forgot to come down here bar kamiya then tryna come here again. good taste that alcohol called ”denki buran” even i don't really drink and we do love place atmosphere.
20年前のアニエスベーのボーダーとパンクなパンツスカート。ols agnes b border T and like punks skirt pants.
帰り道。激眠。we were sleepyhead and heading to home.
20年前かなぁ。下北沢にこれを来てmr experienceを見に行ったなぁ〜。guess i had been shimokitazawa city for go to mr experience's show.
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