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ハッピーマンデー。その日は夕方まで寝ていて。お久しぶりな彼奴の”百薬の長”。happy monday. that day was sleep alot and we hit the guts bar.
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煮込み。guts stew.
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きたきた。here come.
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初めて。象の皮みたい。ははは。何だったっけ?tryna first time to eat that. look like elephant skin yuk. hehehe. i forgot that name.
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野菜も美味しいの♡ heck delicious vegees.
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この日は満席で。何度も入れ替わり。みんなで相撲を観る。平和な時間。it was packed in the bar. we watched sumo wrestling. how peaceful the bar and old dudes.
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先週末は。about last weekend is.
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紅葉。ワタシたちの施設が参加しました。町民文化祭。autumn colors. our nursing home  join the townsman festival.
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木彫りの団扇。fan by wood carving .
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ピョンちゃん。pyong chang.
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紙でできた器。paper products.
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零戦。プラモデル。zero fighter plane. plastic model.
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木彫りの釈迦如来。sakamuni by wood carving .
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木彫りのヴァージンマリア。virgin maria by wood carving .
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竹細工。bamboo work.
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蝶の標本。butterfly specimens. photo 20523a91-1ebc-4f4a-80f6-13e05ef46dfd_zps1df599b1.jpg
私たちの施設からは。裂織の反物とふわふわな糸で織上げた反物。それに寄付で頂いた帯を合わせて飾りました。we decorated the woven textile and obi by dnated to us.
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織の販売をしたり。施設の給食部に作ってもらったお弁当食べたり。楽しい。寒かったけれど。企画するのは大変で疲れたけど。やっぱり楽しい。we sell our stuff, we ate some bento from our nursing home food section. so fun even cold outside, even hard to planned that festival but it was fun time with alotta folks and our handicapped peeps.
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私たちの障がい者施設で機織りし、裁断し、ボランティアさんが縫製して作り上げる。とても素敵な製品なのです。those stuff is made by handicapped peeps weaving and staff cut out textiles and volunteers sewing. how amazing our stuff!
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近隣の施設では陶芸をしているの。シュールなおかめの皿。some other nursing home made ceramics. look that face is surrealistic huh. 
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側面には????意味不明なマルマルマル????bunch of circle on the side. WTF hahahah.  photo 5199771F2014-11-1123152_zpsa177185a.jpg
ありえない。ありえない。ワタシ。ポパイのフードを着ます。施設の障がい者さんとお揃いで買っちゃった。ははは。一緒に着るんだぁ〜。i got aome popeye's hoody that unlikely my style hum. imma wear that hoody with my handicapped lady as same one.
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こんなローライダーでキャンプするなんて素敵。萌。aw dreamy camp with low rider car.
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