彼奴と水曜日。念願のココへ来た。wednesday with my buddy. finally here we come.
いつも食べているたんめんやの更なる師匠の拵えた ”たんめん” と ”炒飯” 。
always my buddy and i were hitting another noodle restaurant as same roots.
the noodle and fried rice cooked by OG chef.
暖簾が非道い。彼奴曰く ”crust punkだネ” って。ハハハ。
the restaurant sign in shreddy. like he said ”thiss the crust punk”
甘いものを食べに来た。here we come for eat some sweet.
大繁盛の和菓子や。引っ切りなしにお客が来るの。japanese traditional sweets store. whole bunch people come here.
ご近所の素敵なおばあさま達が集っていました。隣のおばあさまは彼奴を気に入ってたくさん話しかけてきた。neighborering elegantly old lady is chilling. next seat old lady likes my buddy then talking to him a lot.
ぁぁぁああ来た。本当はかき氷を食べたかったけれど。we was supposed to eat shaved ice but.
私は蜜寒天。my sweets.
彼奴は冷たいおしるこ。とっても美味しい<3 his sweets. absolutely delicious <3
隣のおばあさまにいただいたドイツの繪。”私に似ているから”って笑。鼻ぺちゃってこと笑。next seat old lady gave me this german picture you know why she give me?the girl looks like me that mean is her flat nose lol.
真っ白なスタイリングはできなかったの。真っ白なトップス見つけなきゃ。couldn't all white styling. gotta find some white clothing of tops.
帰り道。彼奴と再会した頃に見た花。彼奴も同じときに見ていたんですって。on our way to home. the flower remind our back in the day. even he remind that same time.
パジャマで来ちゃった。here we come as we are wearing pajama.
楽し美味し。had fun time hahah.
明日。彼奴と一緒にディランに逢いに行く。楽しみ。we ll see wassup at dylan carlson tomorrow. can't wait.
久しぶりに惡な気分になるのかな。フフフ。wondering he might he make me want to do some badass hahah.
さぁ寝ましょう。about to go to bed nite nite.
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