薬師丸ひろ子の方も好きだな。i do like also other female sing the way for that song.
雨の中。丸の内。marunouchi area in the rain.
la mere poulard
銅板が素敵。amazingly copper pans.
ランチ。for lunch.
食べたかったフワフワのオムレツ。やっぱりフォアグラが付いているやつにすればよかった. . . . . . ずいぶん前に彼奴がフワフワオムレツ作ってくれたっけ。finally i ate the fluffy omlet but i've shoukd order other one with foie gras. i remember my buddy cooked like that omelet long time ago.
☞ http://lovemotelnovacancy.blogspot.jp/2013/01/what-hells.html#comment-form
ココシャネルも。coco chanel.
無造作に生けたちいさな薔薇。casually decorated little roses.
薫りが好きなの。love that fragrance.
聖子ちゃんの中で一番好きな歌かもしれない。i might that song is best to me.
折角大きくなってきたのに。誰かにもぎ取られちゃった。someone ripped off my new one of lil fig.
夕霧草はデヴィッドボウイと一緒。flowers are with david bowie.
この間教えてもらった柚子胡椒味の唐揚げ。見てくれがどーにも悪いので野菜で隠す。lady teach me how to cook chiken yuzukosho taste but look so bad then hidden the fried chicken by salad.
おやすみなさ。い。have a good night see you in our dream.
あっ明日は無花果とブルーチーズのピザ作ろう。無花果食べたい!無花果もぎ取られた!って言ったら。すっごく高い無花果をかーちゃん買ってきちゃうんだもの。はははは。ありがと。aw imma make blue cheese and figs pizza cuz my mom bought expensive figs yesterday. you know why like i said ah i want to eat figs, someone ripped off my lil fig shit blah blah blah then. thanks mom.
施設へ向かう道すがら。黄色いちいさな花がたくさん。on the way to our nursing home. fallen lil yellow flowers.
見上げたら。遥か高いところに黄色い花が咲いていた。look up. blooming lil yellow flowers at higher the place.