キノウの朝は。彼奴とバター醤油の焼き餅。about yesterday morning was. buddy and i ate mochi with butter and soy sauce.
キノウはとても良い天気だったけれど。1日中家でダラダラ。i was sitting on all day long yesterday even fine day outside.
スターの誰かが死んでも。泣くことなんてなかった。でもみんながボウイへの想いや憶い出の曲を語る。それを聴いたらなんだか泣けてきちゃった。もちろん私にも想い出はあるのよ。i've never cry for some hipster whoever stars but peeps made me cry cuz they told about bowie's memories or about his songs then. sure i also have memories with bowie.
健さんのところに貼ろう。バイバイ。ボウイ。imma put bowie's poster at the spot. good bye david bowie.
夜はおちゃまとラーメンパーリー。about night was had noodle party with my love.
ow shit hahah.
青磁の花瓶とアンスリウムと。celadon vase and anthurium.
色鍋島の盃。七福神。small cups of seven deities of goos fortune.
ファーストマランツ来たっちゃ。最初に流したのは勿論スターマン。次にコレ。i recieved first marantz. first played the song is stamen by david bowie for sho and next one by U2.
聴くのはいつも同じになってしまう。captain beef heartのher eyes a blue million miles。i always playing same song. her eyes a blue million miles by captain beef heart.
helter skelter.
sweet jane.
i choose you. yes it is.
thanks buddy i was like damn i can't do that shyt. hahah.
good night.
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