キノウ水曜日。about wednesday.
束の間の光。sunlight for a moment.
ずぶ濡れ。wet through.
夜は二人で饂飩。we ate noodle.
すっごい久しぶりにバギーなデニム履いた。ETHOSのデニムとゴローズの4点セット。ETHOS jeans and goro's four sets buckle belt.it's been a while i have't wear the baggy style denim.
キョウ木曜日。about thursday.
情事の後のベッドみたいなの。すき。i do love like after the romance on bed.
おちゃま。my buddy.
本当は博多のアレ食べに行こうって。筈だったけど。こっち来ちゃったぁぁああああ。we were supposed to come down to some new restaurant but finally here we came our favorite spot mutton restaurant.
やっぱり美味しい。きゃーーーーーーーーん。aw we love it absolutely love it.
シンちゃんところのコートにスタンスミスって。なぁ〜んか流行モノ好きみたいで気恥ずかしいぜっ。i shamed that i dressed ce by sk8thing coat and adidas stan smith. this is the popular in tokyo. don't you think?
帰り道。にっぽんの歌を二人で唄い走った。それぞれの想い出の曲や。二人の想い出の曲が流れて。切ないような。苦しいような。でも楽しい。4年前の嵐の日。シンちゃんの展示会行って。みんなに逢わせてもらって。楽しかった夜のこと。あの日。帰り道。流れた ”甘く切ない香り”にまたドキドキした。今夜は外で$%&'1234%&'(''&%$もしたけど?!内緒!we sing japanese pop song when on the way to home. playing each memory song and our memory song in the car. it was good time and we were remembering about 4 yrs ago. it was typhoon as like today. he took me to the exhibition of sk8thing and he hook me up with his homies. just playing the song made my heart grab and shaking even tonight was romantic i had shit shit shit shit holy shit hahah.
嵐の中。走った。あの日。drive to his place in the windstorm the day.
ちょうど4年前の9月。今頃のスケシンちゃんとワタシ。sk8thing and i just the same september 4 yrs ago.
time to go to bed. good night and see you our dream but hey don't see the pervert dream k?
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