金曜日の夜。静かなプロペラ通り。pretty silence on the street at friday night.
連れてきてもらったの。he brought me the club.
鏡。レコード。mirror and vinyl.
ETHOS ケイくんとイケダくん。mr kei and ikeda from ETHOS.
すごくクールな選曲だった<3 his sellect of songs is heck tight <3
i want this vinyl.
dance style of mr itao's wify.
nice view.
手のひらの東京タワー。tower of toyko on my palm.
get some crunk.
peeping on me.
あの曲欲しい。i want that song.
すっごく久しぶりに逢ったね。”X-Large → FUCT → VISION” な彼。i haven't seen you long time as fuck. ha. his job was X-Large, FUCT, VISION now.
同級生。was classmate.
いつも面白いオタケ。funny dude as always.
DJなんとかサンの隣でワタシ。me beside some DJ.
hard out here for a pimp.
was good time.
抜け出して”ココ”に来た。sneak away and here we came.
美味しそう♡ yummy yummy yummy♡
ワタシの来た!ぁぁぁああああ美味しい!my noodle!absolutely delicious!
誘ってくれてありがと。thanks asked me to the party.
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