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キョウはお土産にアルゼンチンソウルフードとやらを持って. . . . . . . . today, imma bring the argentine soul food for him.
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オマエとタンゴ。tango wiz u.
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ムラスポとんちゃん通り。ぁぁぁああああこの男知ってる!誰だっけ?と思ったら7th letterの ”george” だっ!カリフォルニアにいるジョージにこの写真送っておいたわ。i was walking down the ton chan st then suddenly appear the dude. i was like i know who he is but can't remember. who da fuckk?! ow he is george who graffiti artist belong 7th letter crew in california. i sent the pic to george anyway.
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キョウはethosの合同展示会に行ってきたの。だけど。なんだか。写真撮らなかったぁ。today, i hit the exhibition of ethos but i couldn't take pic of it hum. photo IMG_1396_zps777ccb4f.jpg
真逆の!大蒜ラーメンをこげな時間に食うとはっ!can't imagine we ate garlic noodle at this time. too much fat shit.
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もう止まらない。海苔も追加。彼奴が取り分けてくれた。デブすぎる。damn can't stop. eat too much. we ordered extra seaweed. he served the seaweed. 
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見て。海苔満載大蒜拉麺。look alala seaweed. 
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彼奴らしからぬnike。 ACGのブーツなんだって。パラディウムみたい。his nike ACG boot. nike is unlike his style?! looks like palladium boots. 
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ネイビー。navy blue.
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ヴィンテージタートオプティカルのgeek眼鏡。ジョニーデップも愛用。それからボインVネック。ハハハ。vintage tart optical glass. look like geek huh? johnny depp loves the brand. v neck knit for big boob HA. 
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売れないフレンチ女流作家がキョウのイメージなの。どうしても秋らしい装いにしたくてラルフローレンのステンカラーコートを羽織ってみた。結局暑くて着なかったけど。today's  styling like french woman writer. i was like really wanted to wear autumn clothies then got the Ralph Lauren stand fall collar coat but today was like summer shit. i couldn't wear it. hum.
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23年前のモノ。about 23 years old coat.
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グッドナイト。眠いよ。awww sleepyhead time to go to bed. good night.