ethosのボーダーシャツにアシンメトリーのプリーツスカート、kedsのテニスシューズ。キョウのスタイル。border shirt : ethos asymmetry pleats in skirt : zara tennis shoes : keds、 today's style。
アサイーボウル食べたくて広尾のisland veggieにまた行っちゃった<3 somehow something made me wanna eat acaiberry bowl again then went to there ”island veggie at hiroo”
warp magのお嬢とチャット。カリフォルニアの話楽しかったよ。chatting wiz my girr of warp magazine。she was talking about how enjoyed at killacalifornia HA!
addictionでニューカラーのネイルポリッシュ”purple haze”とブラッシュ”revenge”を購入。付いている名前が可愛くてカッコいい!だってパープルヘイズだよ!ayakoってきっとステキに違いない!あっこのケースの色もかっこいいの。ボルドーカラーでネ<3 i bought ADDUCTION new color nailpolish that name is ”purple haze” and brush name is ”revenge”。any stuff has a name that sounds hella cool!cuz name is purple haze!guess AYAKO is cool person who created them cosmetics!and the case color is bordeaux cool cool<3
新宿へお迎え。そこに咲いていた。夜のハイビスカス。きれい。 picked him at shinjuku。the hibiscus are in bloom in the dark night。it's beautiful。
cool makeup, cool dress, and of course acai bowl is the shiznit! haha. you're making me wanna go back again!
ReplyDeletethanks about my stuff!
ReplyDeletetoday i got acai fruit at brazilian town!
i appreciate u took me the veggie restaurant!
No matter what you say, I can sense you enjoyed it a lot. Acai Berry is my favorite fruit actually. And I supply Acai Berry Juice. So if you need some bottles don't forget to contact me.