fuct の展示会にみんなで行ってきたよ。we hit the fuct exhibition.
fuct の distributor をしているミスターメイとワタシ。it's me and mr mei who distributor of fuct in japan.
balとethosのミーティングに侵入。これは肉探しの図。i sneaked in bal N ethos meeting but this pix is juss searching restaurant. we wanna eat meat meat meat flesh flesh flesh!
ethos mr ikeda
bal kaba kaba do!
he took this pic. sexy form ”coca cola shape ”
今日は例のスタイリングなのよ。チャイナジャケットにラルフローレンカントリーのフリルシャツ、ethosのデニム、ウェッジソールだぜっ!tolday's styling is it it it by his idea. china jacket, ralph lauren country frill shirt, ethos denim pant wiz wedge sole sandal ♡
事務所の下のレコードやにて偶然あの人に逢う。we met the dudes by coincidence at down stairs
of the office.
新橋の肉やへ!肉食う前に肉を食って時間を潰す俺たち。肉肉肉お肉ちゃん。we went to shinbashi in tokyo!killing time, we r eating meat before hit the flesh restaurant. u know what i'm saying? don't know how to say. anywayz we love flesh!
モツカレーとハムカツと海老フライとなんだっけ?時間潰しにそんなん食べてたよ。we ate innards curry and fried ham, fried shrimp etcetcetc for killing time.
とうとうやって来た来た。肉や。finally we came down to the flesh restaurant.
生レバー。ホホホホーーーーーーイ!flesh liver.
バターを溶かして。melty butter. what chu tryna do?
溶けたバターにレバーを!レバーをつけるんデス!キャーーーーーーン鬼美味!the liver dip in butter ♡ absolutely delicious♡
普通のカルビだって。見て!脂脂脂!it's reguler beef ribs but see it!alala fat!phew!
すげぇ楽しい=3 fun fun fun=3
帰り道。on the way to home. feel i feel like, hummmmmm.