

天晴れな金曜日。clears up on friday.
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キョウは仕事かえりにおちゃまと味噌拉麺。my buddy and i drooped to noodle restaurant after got work.
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彼奴は知っている。なんでも知っている。ワタシが穴の空いたバターが嫌だということを。すぐに取り替えてくれたもん。優しいんだなぁ。うふふ。he knows everything even he knows about i don't want lil butter more than other one that he quickly to changed his one to mine. how sweet hahah.

雨だったね。水曜日。it was rainy wednesday.
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the who 聴いて。 terror squad 聴いて。playing the who and terror squad.
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彼奴と朝のお茶して。送って。レモンの酵素ジュースお湯で割って。美味しい。buddy and i had tea in the morning after that brought him to work and drinking enzyme lemon juice with hot water. absolute delicious.
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先日来のsuttoco kinacoちゃんごはんが忘れられず。牛蒡のなんとも言えぬ美味しい煮物を作りたくて。まずはドライトマト作り。陽が出れば自然に作れるんだけどな。雨だからオーブンで作ったの。i can't get ms yukari's meal out and i want to cook her original burdock boil so at first have to made dry tomato by oven. 
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ゆかりちゃんごはん作ってみた。蓮根の塩きんぴらアンチョビ檸檬ごはん。アボカド大蒜檸檬。人参グレープフルーツサラダ。tryna cook ms yukari's meal.
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テーブル届いているんだ。螺鈿細工が施された漆黒のもの。大きすぎて使いづらい。むむむ。ナイトライダーで作り変えてほしい。already i recieved table of black lacquerware with mother of pearl decoration but it's too big i can't even handling hum. imma ask to nightrider for remake it.
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彼奴は美味しい美味しいと言ってくれて嬉しいわ。でもほんまモンのゆかりちゃんごはん食べに行きましょうな。楽しみ。きゃん。like he said so delicious and really love it that make me so happy ha. let's go to eat ms yukari's meal yep.
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ごはん3杯もおかわり。完食。有難き幸せ。翌日ワタシも彼奴もお腹快調。万々歳。he had third helping the rice. we eated up. next day our stomach is so good condition by the meal. yay.
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それからこんな。like this after that.
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それからあんなこんなで。like that like this after that. photo tumblr_nqgy8iwHOM1ro5jd6o1_500_zpsxiot8lc8.gif
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終わり〜。the end.
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機織り。織り布。weaving. weaving fabric.
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障がいを持っている結構なお年の女性が織っています。これでトートバッグを作るの。old lady is weaving this stuff who has intellectual disability. imma make tote bag by this stuff.
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コレはワタシが頼んで彼女に織ってもらったもの。巾着タイプのクラッチを作ろうと思ってね。寄付でいただいた帯締めもどこかに使いたい。this one is i asked to her to make that pettern and i ll make some bag for myself. i want to use the decorative strings from donate.
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フランスパンに洋梨とモッツァレラチーズに胡椒をふって。美味し。pair and cheese on french bread with black pepper. delicious.
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おやすみなさい。早く木曜日にならないかなぁ〜。good night. can't wait till thirsday.

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