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キノウはETHOSのフランネルhoodyと。yesterday i dressed flannel hoody of ETHOS.
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コアファイターのロングブリムキャップ。それに80年代のgoro'sベルト。core fighter's long brim cap and 80's goro's belt.
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彼奴を迎えに行き。1日遅れのバースデー鰻重。いただきましたぁ。swoop him up. we went eel restaurant for his birthday dinner a day belated.
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待つ。just wait.
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ココは川魚料理の店。freshwater fish cuisine restaurant.
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良い雰囲気の店。nice atmosphere.
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先ずは熱燗。first he ordered hot sake.
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今どきマッチを作っているお店なんてないよネ。rare case to make own match box package.
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生簀があり。鰻が隠れているの。水は井戸水を引いているそう。the restaurant has fish preserve. eel is hidden in the tank that draw water from a well.
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気になるモノがたくさん。bunch of treasures.
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44年作り続けているお父さん。可愛い人。ふふふ。44yrs to continune to cook. nice master.
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フワフワ。たれの加減も良い按排。the eel is soft and fluffy even about sauce is nice taste.
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とっても美味しかった。absolutely delicious.
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居心地が良くて。食べ終わってもお父さんと喋ったり。雑誌見ていたり。feel so comfy to stay. we were still talking even we finished or checkin' magazine.
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お母さんもナイスなの。also his wify is so nice.
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お父さんは菊盆栽のマスターでもありますデス。chef is also master of chrysanthemum bonsai.
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美味しくて。楽しくて。良い時間だった。meal is so delicious so it was fun time and good time with u.
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また来ようね〜。see you sometime in soon.
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レッドチャック アンド ホワイトチャック。red chuck taylor and white chuck taylor.
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帰り道。16歳の頃に聴いた曲。”風の回廊”。on the way to home as playing the song that song has been listening when i was sixteen.
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最近、新しいコーディネートが浮かばない. . . . . . . . lately i have no idea how to bedding hum.
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11月4日。原宿UCへ迎えに行ったよ。swoop came UC in the harajuku city 4th november.


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