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金曜日朝方。仕事へ向かう途中の椿。bloom the camellia in the friday morning. heading to work.
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彼奴の提案でココに来た。nice his suggestion for come here.
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レバーが食べたかったんだって。he wants to eat the liver.
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ワタシはコレが食べたかったの。”椎茸の石づき”  鬼美味。about me. i wanted to eat the one. heck yum.
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オレもオマエもベストベスト。vest and vest.
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秋はやっぱりダウンベスト。down vest is good for autumn.
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まるいヤツ撮れなかった。i couldn't take pic of the circle haze.
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緑茶がのみたいミッドナイト。開花堂茶筒。somehow made me want to drink the green tea.
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thursday, i read book all day long. still i want to read some then.
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コレはチカーノギャングの小説。でも全部英語だから読みませぬ。that book is chicano gang story but all words by english so don't read. sickness.
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高校生のときに読んだRDレイン。精神科医で思想家。留置所に半年も入れられていたバディに読ませようと思ったダライラマ。i've been read the book of RD laing when i was teenager. he is phychiatrist and philosopher. other one dalai lama. i was supposed to dedicated to my buddy who got arrested and in the jail for 6 months.
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そして読もうと思った本が是等。so imma read them books.
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サガン好き。悲しみよこんにちはも高校生の頃読んだな。my favee novelist ” francoise sagan ” at first i red her book ” hello sadness ” when i was high school. 
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本が読みたくなったのは彼奴が貸してくれたこの本のせい。最初の20頁はつまらなくてつまらなくて何ヶ月か?かかったの。残りの578頁はすっごく面白くて一日で読んでしまった。ハハハ。i want to read some books, know why cuz he borrow me that book. the book really enjoyable and made me excite then.  i was so into it.
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ラルフローレンのベッドカバー。彼奴が和柄みたいだねって。Ralph Lauren bed cover. like he said that pattern like japanese style.     photo _MG_9916_zps5c399d56.jpg
水曜昼食。鰤照とエリンギバターソテー。wednesday lunch. i cooked yellow tail teriyaki and mushroom sauté.
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脳髄。the brain. 
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水曜夜メシはこれまた彼奴の提案でコチラ。about wednesday's dinner ” noodle patrol ”.  also that dinner was his idea. 
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ココは八王子じゃないのに八王子拉麺。this's the hachioji noodle even here is not ahchioji city but they called hachioiji noodle.
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美味かった<3 heck delicious <3

食いもん、花、空 みたいな写真が続く。
食べ物、花、空、動物、子供 そんな写真には全く興味もなく

文才などというものは全く頭の中に有らず 其れ故になんごとも思い想いは浮かんでこないのだ。


hum, lately i have no idea about my post. most posted is foods, flower, sky some like that.
like i said ” i don't post about foods, flower, sky, animal, child ” cuz those stuff are no interesting to my buddies who keep reading my blog.  rite? even me,  it's make me boring hahah.

gurrrrr before i have possessed a talent for writing hahaha but lately can't think of anything
only think about foods damn damn damn.

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はしゃぎ過ぎて サヨナラが ほんのちょっとしみるだけ


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